FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 155

I wonder what Newton's law of what?)
Go to V.
I can't say anything about options from my acquaintances, but I talked to a person one-on-one about the pAMM accounts. He says that the operating principle is the same as on the stock market: there is a profit per month (up to 50%), then there is no profit per month, but there is never a loss. Either there is a profit or there is no profit and there is no loss.
It's so sobering, it's sobering...
And I will bring you, Margarita, exactly 1 grand in green. And you will open a PAMM. And you will trade cool, and so that in three months I will even be able to easily withdraw 300 greenbacks from the PAMM, leaving a grand in place. Simple? Sort of. In three months I should forget I ever had a grand.
You should be in bed by now, not talking about PAMM accounts.
Go to Vee
I am familiar with pammam, you just mean that your acquaintance doesn't have losses or can't have losses at all in principle?
I wonder what Newton's law is that?)

According to the law of al...and, only 45 out of 97 PAMMloops that have existed for more than a year have non-negative profit, and only 26 have profit over 25% per year.

With all due respect to Margarita, I do not believe in a break-even business - costs are incurred by all, even brokers and PAMM managers, I remember a couple of years ago saw an article that the Russian Pension Fund for a year made 20% profit (loss) on their management, then it was reported that they just lost on Forex, and I even believed in this story - it is possible

It's time for you to go to bed, not to talk about PAMM accounts...

Yes, Comrade Major (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Major General...)!

My wife says the same thing...


According to the law of al...and, only 45 out of 97 PAMMloops that have existed for more than a year have non-negative profit, and only 26 have profit over 25% a year.

With all due respect to Margarita, I do not believe in a break-even business - costs are incurred by all, even brokers and PAMM managers, I remember a couple of years ago I saw an article that the Russian Pension Fund for a year made 20% profit (loss) on their management, then I got the information that they just lost on Forex, and I even believed in this story - it is possible

I could give more detailed statistics, including those pams that have not existed for more than a year. But I can't remember it now, I forgot where I put it) It's a pretty eloquent statistic...
I am familiar with pammers, you just mean that your acquaintance doesn't make losses or can't make losses at all?
Only from the words of an acquaintance... he also traded with a robot - he was disappointed. My friend was disappointed with his trading robot, he called me every day, he bragged that he was sitting in front of his computer, reading and studying everything, but my robot earned $100 for 1000 dollars a day and it lasted for a while, then he went abroad and after returning home he looked into his computer and the robot had emptied all his money.
I was a bit disappointed with my robot, but I was not able to make any money. My friend called me every day, he bragged about how I was sitting in front of his computer, reading and studying everything, but my robot earned $100 for 1000 dollars a day and it lasted for a while, then he went abroad and after returning home he looked into his computer and the robot emptied all his money... Now he wants me to compete with his account...
I have been working on this account for a long time now, and I'm not sure how to make it work. But you lose your own money too if you lose it.
It's an ordinary account, but there is free leverage in the form of investors' money. Otherwise, you lose your own money too, if you lose it.
I don't know, he says that he gave me money for a year, half a year has passed - we'll see. But he assured me that he invested the money without any losses.