Searching for market patterns - page 141

Where's the mistake?
In the absence of a Catalan:)
In the absence of a Catalan:)
It's a bygone conclusion.
What kind of market patterns have you found? If it is not a secret, what allows you to work successfully for 4 years?

I observe the trend on the 5-minute chart and on the daily chart, on the 5-minute chart I look for entry points, breakthrough, that's all.
borilunad: Thank you for your attention! To your previous one: it wouldbe up to us then!
The error is highlighted - if that's what you really care about.

Levels on the 5-minute and daily chart, I observe the trend on the 5-minute chart and look for entry points on the herczyk, on the breakdown of the breakaway, that's all.

I am curious to know how it works. I am very curious how it is traded on the Herczyk

It is naturally present in the market.

I don't use the Pause Indicator in trading, it's just an example. First a philosophy, a concept, and only then, if we need to measure something, some market parameters, within the framework of the concept, e.g. energy.

You can build a Grail on this indicator (using only it and nothing else), but you have to move away from timeframes. (And do it right, which is not easy).

Is there an account monitoring, or is there a hero who doesn't need it all again?

We should have understood long ago that independent account monitoring would be nice to accompany your words, then you would get a well-deserved recognition from your colleagues.


Is there an account monitor, or is there a hero who does not need it all again?

Guys, it is high time to understand that it would be nice to have an independent account monitor attached to your words, then you would get the recognition you deserve from your colleagues, but otherwise it all sounds like empty nonsense.

Don't you think you are asking for something from everyone? Give me this and give me that, no one owes you anything.
The error is highlighted - if that's what you really care about.
Thanks for the correction! So is it the same for me, or should it be "hinged"? Of course I care! Sometimes I look in the dictionary, check it out. I only speak Russian here, and sometimes on the occasion of a meeting, and I talk to mine on Skype, but I only write here!
Thanks for the correction! So is it the same for me, or should it be 'hinged'? Of course you do! Sometimes I look in the dictionary, check it out. I only speak Russian here, and sometimes on the occasion of a meeting, and I talk to mine on Skype, but I only write here!

I did not take your avtsa - it was devoured by a wolf... :-)))

I didn't take your avza - it was gnawed by a wolf... :-)))
Has the grammar been changed so much? How lagged I am! Wow!