Searching for market patterns - page 57


? Well, you suggested it. I'm even curious. I'm going to shit myself. )))

Nah, we'll see. Tomorrow, yeah? I'll post it here, OK?

I think I got something.A how to automatically scatter on columns because I have all in one column skidyt. and can not kato make it possible to every pair in this excel file on a separate sheet was written synchronously. + will there be no problems with holes in history on m1 ?

There are columns (delimiter = comma)

format =

"Date", "Time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume" = header
1999.01.04,07:00,0.61650,0.61660,0.61660,2 = data

Then you take it and send it to any software... correct it as needed (by columns, e.g. deleting volumes, etc... - Use the remaining data... you can reset or delete the date...

I can't say about m1... I used m5 for mines - no problems...

I can't help with the rest, as I can only change the colour of the indicator)))...

A pity that half of the programmers forum is very reluctant to help the newbies disinterestedly ...


It's not a fact that there will be what I call momentum. But okay, we'll play the little things. Also realistic.

it's column-by-column (separator = comma)

format =

"Date", "Time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume" = header
1999.01.04,07:00,0.61650,0.61660,0.61660,2 = data

Then you take it and send it to any software... correct it as needed (by columns, e.g. deleting volumes, etc... - Use the remaining data... you can reset or delete the date...

I can't say about m1... I used m5 for mines - no problems...

I can't help with the rest, as I can only change the colour of the indicator)))...

A pity that half of the programmers forum is very reluctant to help the newbies ...

By the way, I adjusted the registry settings as needed and it automatically distributes the columns.

it's column-by-column (delimiter = comma)

format =

"Date", "Time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume" = header
1999.01.04,07:00,0.61650,0.61660,0.61660,2 = data

Then you take it and send it to any software... correct it as needed (by columns, e.g. deleting volumes, etc... - use the remaining data... you can reset or delete the date...

I can't say about m1... I used m5 for mines - no problems...

I can't help with the rest, as I can only change the colour of the indicator)))...'s a pity that half of the programmers forum is so reluctant to help the newbies...

I'm already thinking of ordering one, but I have no idea how much it costs...
I'm already thinking of ordering one but have no idea how much it costs...

do you have any minutes to analyse it? - yes

realtime = yes (to avoid glitches - adjust settings - for less bars ( to unload) ... as you go - take your time ...

all - use - look for what you need in TS ...

everything is in your hands ... everything will work out ...

good luck...


do you have any minutes to analyze? - yes ....

realtime = there is (so that there is no crashing - adjust the settings to fewer bars ( to unload) you go along - take your time...

all - use - look for what you need in TS ...

everything is in your hands ... everything will work out ...

good luck ...

Thank you.

? Well, you suggested it. I'm even curious. I'm going to shit myself. )))

Nah, we'll see. Tomorrow, yeah? I'll post it here, OK?

Well, that would be interesting! :)
Well, this should be interesting! :)
It won't be. You can't pull this kind of stunt unless it's on a night out after a good dinner. Monday morning will set the record straight.
It won't. You can only throw a ponce like that on a weekend evening after a good dinner. Monday morning will set the record straight.

It's a serious bid, so we'll see. After all, there's a name on the line. Demo tricks don't count, I hope.