The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 317

















January 1, Monday -- the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, the beginning of the week.

Over the last 120 years, this synchronisation has occurred in the years indicated:


The next synchronisation will occur in 2024.

The phenomenon is not strictly regular. There is a periodicity of 5, 6, 11 years.


Economic results in 2017


Valentin Katasonov, an economist, Doctor of Economics, head of the Russian Economic Club named after Sharapov, gives a brief overview of the results of the outgoing year in the field of economy and finance in this article

Globally, the most significant events in the field of economics and finance are as follows

  • The sharp aggravation of economic relations between the US and China (although this is not a single event, but a series of statements and actions by both countries);
  • a series of events in the cryptocurrency world, which led to the aggregate capitalisation of leading private digital currencies increasing several times over the year to $500 billion. Although this figure is comparable to the market capitalisation of just one of the leading US companies, it is clear that cryptocurrencies have become a significant new trend-setting factor in global finance in 2017;
  • the passage of the US Congress and President Donald Trump's signature of the Tax Reform Act, which provides a dramatic reduction in the tax burden on US companies;
  • an almost uninterrupted bullish trend in the US stock market;
  • since the start of the year, the S&P 500 Index is up over 17%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up almost 23% and the high-tech Nasdaq Composite is up 28%; incidentally, this is the eighth consecutive year of index growth, but 2017 was surprisingly "dynamic", with all three indices mentioned hitting their all-time highs in 2017;
  • OPEC and a number of other oil producing countries (including Russia) concluding an agreement in late November to control production volumes and stabilise the price of "black gold";
  • the launch of RMB oil and gold futures trading on Chinese exchanges, which some experts have called the birth of the oil RMB and the gold RMB;
  • The anti-corruption operation in Saudi Arabia (11 members of the Saudi royal family and dozens of ministers and officials were arrested in early November), which resulted in tens of billions of dollars in additional revenue for the state's treasury;
  • The freezing at the very end of the year by the Bank of New York Mellon of $22 billion belonging to the National Fund of Kazakhstan (NFK).

and beyond.

Экономические итоги-2017
Экономические итоги-2017
В масштабах мира наиболее значимыми событиями в области экономики и финансов можно назвать следующие: резкое обострение экономических отношений между США и Китаем (хотя это не единичное событие, а серия заявлений и действий со стороны обеих стран); серия событий в мире криптовалют, которая привела к тому, что за год совокупная капитализация...

Does school need maths?

23 hours ago96

Vladimir Igorevich Arnold is one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. Sadly, Vladimir Igorevich passed away in 2010. The view of the great mathematician on teaching at school, on the form of teaching mathematics (and not only it) is interesting and topical. After all, education is not a service, but an investment in the future.

Arnold's thoughts are especially relevant against the background of "news" about educational "reforms" from various countries:

1. Ukraine

"Let us only recall that the reduction of compulsory subjects from 22 to 9 will take place because instead of physics, chemistry, biology, geography and astronomy there will be integrated courses "nature and man", "man and the world". Languages and literature will be merged into 'literature' and algebra and geometry will return to the general maths course.

2. Finland

Here schools will abolish not only all homework but also all ... subjects.

Lecture at All-Russian conference "Mathematics and society. Mathematics Education at the Turn of the Century" in Dubna on September 21, 2000.

I am going to talk today about the rather sad circumstances surrounding the state of mathematics education around the world. Most of all I know the situation, of course, in Russia, but also in France and in the United States. But the processes I am going to talk about are going on roughly at the same time all over the world. They are somewhat unbelievable, but what I will tell, however unbelievable, is the plain truth.

I would call the main process that I am now noticing, that is going on right now and that is most alarming - I would call that processAmericanisation. The Americanization is that the population of the world, those billions who live on the globe, they all want McDonald's in every house and they want to have a "culture" like in America. But what is American "culture"? I'll give you an example, so that I am not being unfounded. At Harvard, I saw a student who majored in European art in a French class. She had to speak French, and the teacher asked her in French: "Haveyou been to Europe?" - "I have." - "Have you been to France?" - "I have." - "Have you seen Paris?" - "I have." - "Have you seen Notre Dame de Paris?" - "I did." - "Did you like it?" - "No!" - "Why not?" -"It's so old!"

The American view is thateverything old should be thrown away. If a car is old, it should be replaced by a new one, Notre Dame de Paris should be broken, and so on. So mathematics has to be eliminated from education. Here's another example. I recently read a text by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence, one of the "fathers of the nation. And he had already spoken about mathematics education in his Letters from Georgia. He says the following (and this statement, in my opinion, is a defining one for mathematics education in the United States even today): "no black man will ever understand a word of Euclid, and no teacher (or textbook) who will explain Euclidean geometry to him will ever understand it." This means that all geometry must be eliminated from school education, because democratic evolution must make everything understandable to minorities; "who needs it, this mathematics..."

French example. The French Minister of Education and Science was telling (at a meeting of the Paris meeting of mathematicians at the Palais de la Discovery) arguments which showed that teaching mathematics in school should be stopped altogether. This is a rather sensible man, Claude Allegre, a geophysicist, engaged in continental navigation, applying mathematics, dynamical systems theory. His argument was this. A French schoolboy, a boy about eight years old, was asked how much is 2 + 3. He was an excellent mathematician, but he didn't know how to count, because that's how they teach mathematics there. He didn't know that it would be five, but he answered, like an excellent student, so that he would get an A: "2 + 3 is 3 + 2 because addition is commutative." French teaching is all arranged according to this scheme. They teach things like this and as a result they don't know anything. And the minister thinks that, rather than teaching like this, it's better not to teach at all. When they needsomething on the case, when they need it, they will learn it themselves, and teaching this pseudo-science is an unnecessary waste of time. That's the French point of view for today. It's very sad, but it's true.

In France, too, Americanisation is happening now. In particular, I received a letter from their Academy of Sciences in April that they are revising the Academy's constitution. One of the important points, how to change the charter of the French Academy of Sciences, was that there should be no member-cores, all member-cores should be considered academicians, and in the new election for member-cores, no one should be elected, only academicians. And then twenty pages of justifications of such a theological nature, saying that France, as the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church, and so on... There are not necessarily religious justifications, there are all kinds, but I could not understand anything, I found it very difficult until I reached the last line onsome distant page, and then I realized that I had heard that line many times in the twenty years that I have heard this discussion. France is probably ahead of the curve, but we will come to this too, and this argument and this reasoning will all come across in our Russian Academy of Sciences as well, I suppose. The argument, which I think is the only significant one in all these justifications and which seems to be the main one for them, is this:there are no corresponding members of the US National Academy of Sciences in Washington.

The next project was that ...


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