The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 80


Determinism and stochasticity should be seen as characteristics of two different levels of development and organisation of complex systems, with determinism being a fundamental quality of the system relating to the level of its development as a whole, and stochasticity being a fundamental quality of the system relating to the level of its elemental structure.

Simply put, the development of the market as a whole is deterministic, although the twitching of the bot in the example above is stochastic.


Determinism and stochasticity should be seen as characteristics of two different levels of development and organisation of complex systems, with determinism being a fundamental quality of the system relating to the level of its development as a whole, and stochasticity being a fundamental quality of the system relating to the level of its elemental structure.

Simply put, the development of the market as a whole is deterministic, although the twitching of the bot in the example above is stochastic.

that's nonsense ....

A deterministic complex system is nonsense. Start at the beginning - what is a complex system? Google it, look it up in an encyclopaedia, take your time.

It's not coming in yet. Okay. Let's wait for the next flush.

that doesn't make any sense....

A deterministic complex system is nonsense. Start at the beginning - what is a complex system? Google it, look it up in an encyclopaedia, take your time.

This is essentially the definition of synergy. Haven't you heard of it? It's simple - if you don't know it, it's nonsense - unambiguously!



Guys... An indiscreet question - do you trade at all? I'm just reading you at ..... I have mixed feelings .....

Deterministic, stochastic .... model structure .....


Guys... An indiscreet question - do you trade at all? I'm just reading you at ..... I have mixed feelings .....

Deterministic, stochastic .... .....

It's not that it's immodest, but rather a strange question... or should I say, a strange view of the world.

So you think that if you trade, you are not interested in anything else and you do nothing else?

I'll ask you a counter-question: If you trade, shouldn't you be interested in nothing else?


Guys... An indiscreet question - do you trade at all? I'm just reading you at ..... I have mixed feelings .....

Deterministic, stochastic .... .....

No, no, no! Of course not!

Think about it - how can people trade and not check the "FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences" thread? That's ridiculous! Everyone is there - Soros, Nidderhoffer, Bernanke, Strauss-Kahn, well, everyone!

We're just fluffing around, and sometimes we'll blow a couple of grand on a demo... nothing serious.


Oh come on )))) You're so pissed off))) Go ahead, I'm not giving you )))))? ???

As for "FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences", they are maniacs there. )))) I did not want to offend you. It was a simple question.

And yes, I'm not much interested in....


Guys... An indiscreet question - do you trade at all? I'm just reading you at ..... I have mixed feelings .....

Deterministic, stochastic .... model structure .....

Well... For me, if you trade by hand, you don't have to worry about it. But it's a different matter if you trade automatically, it's a different approach.
Well... For me, if you trade by hand, you don't have to worry about it. But it's a different matter if you trade automatically, it's a different approach.

I have an automatic)))