A sub-workshop to fill in the FAQ (frequently asked questions). Let's help comrades! - page 3

It's a lot more detailed than I expected.

According to the analysis of newcomers in the branch, they don't need basic or informational functions (like Kim's), but bundles into a ready-made Expert Advisor.
That is, they need a hundred simple examples, but which implement everything that only a sober mind could want. They need the implementation of logic.

Based on my experience with traders, I described in the list the most frequently occurring prima-logic bindings of Expert Advisors (I think I missed something, but I'll remember it later).

Particular emphasis should be placed on the Trading Functions and Examples of the implemented ToR, because they are the core of any Expert Advisor. The TOR examples should be filled with all sorts of things.

Informationship is not so important (although in principle the expo is based on it). But informational is stable and once for all, and Trading and Examples ToR is the most important for a beginner, it is dynamic and constantly changing.

I don't know. I want to ask - but in what form do you plan to put all this bulk knowledge base? 10 posts per page?

You wrote about "it's technically possible to implement the FAQ project" - what does that mean?

I got almost all the answers to my questions from the mql4 helpdesk, so they have everything they need right under their noses
There is a numbered list of standard functions, just add more pop-ups to it, there will be no overdoing it - the more options the better, so Alexander - go ahead.
to sergeev
Let's post a couple of questions/answers in the main faq (maybe make a couple of simpler ones at once) and everything will become clear.
In a nutshell:
In one post a list of questions/references, in each subsequent post one answer (in any order).
Technical ability:
- We have been prescribed the right to edit old posts
- allowed to pin a thread to the top
- we have mastered the ability to link to a particular post rather than a page

This means we can expand the list of questions in the second post of the faq and link directly to answers written at the end of a branch without having to think about the order in which they are written.
create, I'll make it up later, I've got the tank

That is, we can expand the list of questions in the second post of the faq indefinitely and make direct links to the answers at the tail end of the thread, without having to think about the order in which they are placed.
I was afraid of that. it will be an unstructured mess. ( you should also get the right to add your posts between posts :)


Let's post a couple of questions/answers in the main faq now (maybe make a couple of simpler ones at once) and everything will become clear.

ok. what is the template for the post? i.e. how should the info be presented in the answer ?

For example a variant:


Q: Can you tell me how to find the price of the last fractal?

Answer(sergeev): You can use the iFractals indicator for that. It returns 0 if there is no fractal on the bar and the fractal price if there is one. Fractals are divided into upper and lower fractals. If you need to get the higher ones, MODE_UPPER is passed into the iFractals function, and MODE_LOWER for the lower ones. So to find a fractal, you have to go through the bars in the loop and the first non-0 value will be the fractal you are looking for.


double frac;
for (int i=3; i<Bars; i++)
   frac=iFractals(Symbol(), Period(), MODE_UPPER, i); if (frac>0) break;
   frac=iFractals(Symbol(), Period(), MODE_LOWER, i); if (frac>0) break;
if (frac>0) Print("Цена последнего фрактала: ", frac);

example of organisation of a separate function:

//---------------------------------------------------------------   GetLastFrac
double GetLastFrac(string smb, int tf, int iB)
   int n=iBars(smb, tf);  double frac;
   for (int i=iB; i<n; i++)
      frac=iFractals(smb, tf, MODE_UPPER, i); if (frac>0) return(frac);
      frac=iFractals(smb, tf, MODE_LOWER, i); if (frac>0) return(frac);
Print("Последний фрактал: ", GetLastFrac("EURUSD", 60, 3));

Tags: fractal, iBars, numeric constants, indicators call

see also on the forum:
- how to call a custom indicator
- how to know the buffer value on a closed bar


Yeah, it's fine.
I'll just move it to the faq and see how it looks.
Moved. Look there in the second post in the list the real question appeared - Can you tell me how to find the price of the last fractal?
The link takes you straight to the post with the answer.
I missed it... was the post from the FAQ already there before the DDFedora post ? or did you put it in ?
I missed it... was the post from the FAQ already there before the DDFedora post ? or did you put it in ?
I'm like a worm digesting everything :)) Just replaced the content of an existing unnecessary post.