[Archive! - page 464

Voting the current result for me is not expected even slightly.

Bullshit there and here https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.forbes.ru/rating/ekonomika-package/vlast/73262-vlast-i-dengi-2011[hash]pages-1

+ where there is a dummy, the results are completely different.

closest to reality here https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=29&topic=14131&start=60[hash]15

Election results of 4 December 2011. Proof of fraud. or Exposing the magic of Wizard Churov.

and look at the bottom of the page - Snack links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... - This is what real democratic elections are all about. The people against ER!


Since it doesn't include special people and bots, you can guess why.

Voting current result for me is a bit surprising even
For 32,000 voters, it's pretty good.
Ten years ago I thought it was too much. Now it's just right.

You know, Mish, I even wrote a good half of the multibooks and then deleted them. I changed my mind, I didn't feel like it.

I'll make it simple. Just highlight the red part of my text where you think it's a mistake. And if you want, write in private, and do not want do not write, I do not care.

The Kandinsky Prize International Jury announces the names of the three winners

From the same place:

In the category "Young Artist. Project of the Year" and a prize of 10,000 euros went to Paulina Canis for "Eggs".



The Kandinsky Prize International Jury announces the names of the three winners

From the same place:

In the category "Young Artist. Project of the Year" and a prize of 10,000 euros went to Paulina Canis for "Eggs".


a-bal-det! are the other nominees even worse? ))) >

"In the category "Young Artist. Project of the Year" and a €10,000 prize was awarded to Polina Kanis for her work "Eggs".

High art, what can I say.

There's a mix-up with the name Kandinsky.

If it's that famous psychiatrist, it's OK.


What can you do, everything changes, including art.

But it still got me, even though I'm not a fan of such abstractionism. What's interesting: at the beginning the girl collects the eggs carefully, one by one, and one might even say, very selectively, from a "down-to-earth" attitude. But towards the end, she picks a few eggs at once, and not necessarily all in one piece. And they all have to go into the basket, even if they are already broken.


What can you do, everything changes, including art.

But it still got me, even though I'm not a fan of such abstractionism. What's interesting: at the beginning the girl collects the eggs carefully, one by one, and one might even say, very selectively, with an attitude of "downward-looking". But towards the end, she picks a few eggs at once, and not necessarily all in one piece. And everything is sure to be in the basket, even if it's already broken.

super serious and profound analysis of artistic monstrosity ))))

member of the jury...? forgivable then