[Archive! - page 445


1. What kind of mine? Oil or gas mine?

Who owns the mines now? And where in Ukraine? Well, there's a pipe on the bath. :)

1. :) I'm sorry for the depth of my knowledge of the mining industry. There's no such thing as mines. Gas and oil are pumped from wells. There are mines for coal, ore and anything else that is in a solid state.

2. I do not know. I am not in the Ukraine.


1. :) Explained by the depth of knowledge of the mining industry. There are no such mines. Gas and oil are pumped from wells. There are mines for coal, ore and anything else that is in a solid state.

2. I do not know. I am not in the Ukraine.

Sense of humour in the father zone. :)

Is Gazprom a state-owned company?


Sense of humour in the father zone. :)

Is Gazprom a state-owned company?

Why not? Imagine a gas mine...

Gazprom is a public limited company.


Is Gazprom a state-owned company?

What counts as a public company?
What counts as a public company?

You should ask yourself that.

Gasprom and oil are doing fine. No one's drowning in the pits.

But in the public sector, people are struggling.

Miners are not forced into the mine. You don't have to be afraid to die. Go to rallies - "for occupational health and safety". :)


I don't think it's me who should be banned, but those who get off the subject.



Gazprom is a public limited company.

A state-owned company, the state has the controlling stake, the state runs Gazprom and the state also gets involved in Gazprom's gas disputes..... And the very Gazprom is a state in the state, they pump and sell people's resources, and live off them, have their own schools, medicine, rest homes, salaries higher than in the state, spending 30 thousand euros of national / state money on Portuguese guest workers ... Land of paradoxes biatch...

Today you'll sell Gazprom,
And tomorrow you'll axe your grandmother. // folklore

It's all bullshit. VVP is on fire today. He compared protesters to condoms.
Our country has an entertaining dialogue with the opposition:
(opposition): - Hutin is Pui!
(VVP): And you are condoms!

That is such a constructive dialogue, such a normal democratic process. Keep it up. Maybe they will come to an agreement...


Wash the windows, repair the bench, paint the fence, help a retired neighbour.

Gather the neighbours together, discuss the improvement of the neighbourhood.

And in general, start with yourself.

That's quite a feat! To start like that.

And I'll get credit if I first promise myself that I'll shave, at least... once every three days, stop throwing cigarette butts from the balcony, and start giving my wife money, at least... a thousand rubles a week? I don't go to rallies anyway, it's far away, the stall is closer, and the customers come on their own.


One day you'll be selling Gazprom,
And tomorrow you'll sell your granny with an axe. // folklore

It's all bullshit. VVP is on fire today. He compared protesters to condoms.
Our country has an entertaining dialogue with the opposition:
(opposition): - Hutin is Pui!
(VVP): And you are condoms!

That is such a constructive dialogue, such a normal democratic process. Keep it up. Maybe they will come to an agreement...

He knows that his electorate is half-lumpen and official, so he targets that audience, and he doesn't care if others see him as a tram-ridden boor.

He also used a new word today - "zakontropupit".