[Archive! - page 440


Let's go play some poker.

In two hours of playtime, I've outbid my opponents for $43.8.


I don't feel like it at all, sorry.

PapaYozh, you have made me very uneasy.

Don't forget the "under the table" part.

On that lovely note of creativity, I suggest we freeze the thread for a couple of days.

and the participants can chill out in their eloquence.

For the particularly rowdy ones, the cooling off may take place in a bathhouse.


Comrade Sergeev, this is a smoking room, i.e. the only place that has been far-sightedly set aside as a smoking room and the only place where all these conversations are appropriate.

People here are different, but intelligent. They are not going out of bounds. They stand around, think about it and do not go out.)

So your hints are more like attempts by our law enforcers to put the Internet under control.

How do you personally feel about this initiative?

"You" -- I mean you, too.
Weird, but okay. Especially since the posts are rubbish - a break is a break.)
Weird, but okay. Especially since the postings are rubbish -- a break's a break.)

I actually put you with the wrong company there.

So the correct answer is no.



Wake up the captain

"So that the people won't say bad things about the Tsar for nothing, act strictly according to the law - that is, act in secret..." © About Fedot the Streltsy.

Everything goes according to plan, the recent events have been carefully planned and are part of an even greater plan.
Do you really think that people who were smart enough to get to the top of our vast country are not capable of a simple multitrack? Or have you forgotten who the "great and terrible" was before he became world-famous? What, and you don't even know who he will be next spring?
Never had to work under a smokescreen? All this election-bashing, election-dissatisfaction, election-dissatisfaction...
- Oh, if only we were a little bit more...
- What do you want? Fuck you now!
- and you and you fucked, let's WE be wah!
You're being "amused" like the last suckers, and you're falling for it. You can't go further than your nose...


2011 in photogaphy.

Nice picture ))))