[Archive! - page 234

Us?!! I've forgotten the last time the road was patched, and every winter I "clear" the snow with my caravan, or no neighbour will drive out. And this is the centre of the city, the suburbs are a separate story.

But Channel One said that the roads were good.
Channel One, on the other hand, said the roads were good.
But a Chechen acquaintance changed his car with number 762 to one with number 545 and said it was a coincidence.
Don't touch the sore spots. I was a sucker when I heard about replacing transport tax with fuel deductions, and the other day I had to hide a receipt for almost 20 grand in tax from my wife.
I really wanted someone to choke on it :))
For my jeep I have already paid for the third year 16k (our region is "pilot" - have all the original taxes) - now before the new year I am thinking to remove the registry and put in the Moscow region, the same lankruzer is worth just under 5 thousand rubles.
But a Chechen acquaintance changed his car with number 762 to one with number 545 and said it was a coincidence.
I don't know what that means?
I don't know what that means?



"The fact that the Internet ruined a book, I can't forgive it to the Internet," Lukashenko said.

"I can wear these iPads or iPads, point my fingers, but it's non-presidential. The president is a conservative position. When the president is ahead of the world, it causes sarcasm in society," Lukashenko said at a press conference for Russian media in Minsk on Friday.

This is not good. This is a kind of retreat. They will cut off the Slavs from the Internet or filter them to death.

Nah, he's just not going to walk around like everyone else - with a diary.
