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I'll answer for Vadim: take a glass jar for example, fill it 3/4 full with water and put it in the freezer for 12 hours (depending on freezer temperature), then use tap water to wash out the middle. What we don't need is the first ice to set on the surface, and the last one to form in the centre. Both are washed out with a jet of water.

about the centres of crystallisation being the very first to rise to the surface - I can understand that in physics.

but why is the centre also dirty? like a column of ice from the bottom to the top (gravitational) ?

Was a total vegitarian for three years. There was nothing good about it. All the vegetarians I've seen have black eyes like soot under them - from a lack of vitamin B and iron. And the social problems are over the top. You cannot go anywhere - there is meat in every restaurant, you cannot go out. By the way, for general information, there are even esoteric schools which use raw meat diets.
That's right. If you ate fresh fruits and vegetables you would not suffer from vitamin deficiencies and other problems. There's fruit everywhere you go. Visiting fruit is not forbidden and even welcomed. And to communicate while eating oranges is, I would say, much more convenient and comfortable than eating borscht :) And cooking. Not only does it kill all the goodness in fruits and vegetables - which then affects the health of vegetarians in particular - but it also kills time and money.

about the centres of crystallisation being the very first to rise to the surface - I can understand that in physics.

but why is the centre also dirty? like a column of ice from the bottom to the top (gravitational) ?

Not a pillar, but the centre itself. Let's call it a ball) Why is it dirty? It freezes last because it is heavier due to impurities. It's like moonshine here :)

Vadim, I have a question about freezing and purifying water.
Can you write in more detail how to freeze and get water, what part of ice is used after defrosting?

Take a smooth (cylindrical shaped) 2.5 litre plastic beer bottle. A neighbour used to supply it. Died of gangrene last year. Drank himself to death... :-((

Cut off the neck so that there's a glass, so it's easy to get ice out. Pour water on it and put it in fridge *** on highest temperature to freeze slowly.

Take it out when a cocoon begins to form in the centre. It can be seen by the whitish ice around the unfrozen water. Take this glass out and put it sharply under hot water. The ice usually cracks in the middle. This is very handy. Then it's easy to rinse off all the whitish ice with a thin stream of hot water. Anything opaque has to be washed off. Including the top surface. Floating dirt usually accumulates on it.

Put the rinsed ice in another dish to defrost. We have the same tumblers from other beer bottles for this purpose.



Before pouring water into the bottle, we have it filtered with a flow aquaphor, then boiled, then left to stand. Hot water cannot be poured into plastic bottles.

They don't make straight beer bottles anymore. They're all showing off the shape. You can use 2 litre bottles for bottled oil. They're flat, but the walls are thin. Not for high pressure. They're good for water. They're usually sold for 10 rubles at the market.



During slow freezing, the crystalline structure displaces all impurities up to a certain point. Once the concentration of salts and impurities inside the cocoon exceeds the maximum possible concentration, the water begins to freeze with thin plates between the impurities. This is similar to snow. It is best not to allow it to freeze completely. This causes the bottle to burst and tear. It doesn't tear right away. Fibre by fibre. In a few frosts, it can tear completely.



I manage to get 5 litres of water in 12 hours. I have a Stinol ***. I put 4 bottles in at a time.

Not the pole, but the centre itself. Let's call it a ball. ) Why is it dirty? It freezes last because it is heavier due to impurities. It's like a distillery here :)

If so, it must be at the very bottom when everything is already frozen.


-- - light impurities, first crystallisation centres
-- - heavy impurities, freeze last
-- - purified water

I don't know about moonshine, unfortunately...

alexx_v: And cooking. Not only does it kill all the goodness in vegetables and fruit - which subsequently affects health and vegetarians in particular, but it also kills time and money.

Well you could argue here. It takes more money in Russia than usual, especially out of season (from late fall to late summer, ie, at least 8 months of the year): fresh fruit and vegetables at that time are very expensive. We are not living in India, after all. There's plenty of room for yogic practices.

Speaking in the vegan spirit, it's much cheaper per unit weight in winter to cook a nasty corpulent concoction with killed vegetables (borscht)...

And our climate is not exactly conducive to strict vegetarianism.


If so, it must be at the very bottom when everything is frozen.


-- - light impurities, the first centres of crystallisation
-- - heavy impurities, freeze last
-- - purified water

I don't know about moonshine, unfortunately...

It is in the centre, because the effect of low temperature comes from the walls and the bottom of the jar, and the ice starts to form from the walls and the bottom. In this case, the severity affects the freezing time, not the position of the heavy water relative to the jar. As far as I understand this heavy water is not concentrated in a particular place, it is dissolved in all the water. It becomes concentrated in one place (in the centre) as the pure water freezes. This is the principle of purification through freezing-thawing.
I read the last pages about beetroot and beans, peas, oranges and water purification, light and heavy impurities in ice and I feel like ... MEAT))
five points! ))))