EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 54

And it gets even cooler!!!
I don't have time to think.
I don't have time to think.

There was time to think before lunch, but now there is nothing to think about.

Are we really going to the south?


Are we really going to the south?

If we do, it won't happen overnight; there will be time to close and open.

1.4020 will not be until next week anyway

Bai on the Eurodollar and the Euroyenne have triggered, I am at a loss how to react.
Bai on the Eurodollar and the Euroyenne have triggered, I am at a loss how to react.
I think I'm getting ready to dump the deposit.
Bai on the Eurodollar and the Euroyenne have triggered, I am at a loss how to react.

I told you not to react now)))

get lost early
