EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 358


In short, the Evra is just begging to be bumped into this stuff

just wanted to show you...

24.03.99 Primakov turned the plane around. Do you remember?
Three days later - 12 years. Eleven weeks of fierce North Atlantic Alliance air warfare against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in March - June 1999.

In short, the Evra is just begging to be bumped into this stuff

it may start to think about going higher )))))) but we need to go lower....


After this "stuff" has been broken through, there may be some misgivings about going higher )))))) but we need to go lower....

yep, that's really what a lot of people will be thinking.

In short, the Evra is just begging to be bumped into this stuff

It's not a bullshit, it's a resistance trend line at 1.4287
I don't care which way it goes, you bet on coffee grounds (north to south). I raised 129 pips on USD-CAD and USD-EUR and I told you the Euro will go up. I don't look and read the news (it's a pity to waste my time). My indicator (smart) does not read forecasts too, but makes a profit without any promo. I offered it to you, but no one reacted. Yeah, well, I'm a newcomer to your forum: )))))
It's not bullshit, it's a resistance trend line whose level is at 1.4287
I call it bullshit. Are we going to play with words now? Or am I a first grader who doesn't know what a trend line is? Yes, I'm green compared to a lot of people. I'm only 23. Or already....

No warrants on it)))

euras evening.

Yeah, that's the way a lot of people would really think.

They won't, but they are already thinking, on MT5 they would be crucified for drawings like Vizard's)))
Not Europe, but France... On the contrary, Germany continues to support economic relations and advocate for Libya...
Isn't Italy there?