EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 215

Stranger, Zet, come and visit me. We'll go for a steam bath, lie in the snow. We'll have a beer. The guys from Crimea brought their homemade "drug". It's called salom. We'll sit at the dacha, catch grayling on the river bank, drink moonshine. I'm not kidding :0)).
Stranger, Zet, come and visit me. We'll go for a steam bath, lie in the snow. We'll have a beer. The guys from Crimea brought their homemade "drug". It's called salom. We'll sit at the dacha, catch grayling on the river bank, drink moonshine. I'm not kidding :0)).
There is no real Ukrainian drug in the Crimea. The real drug is in Poltava region... When I go to Russia or Crimea everyone asks me to bring salo ...
Stranger, Zet, come and visit me. We'll go for a steam bath, lie in the snow. We'll have a beer. The guys from Crimea brought their homemade "drug". It's called salom. We'll sit at the dacha, catch grayling on the river bank, drink moonshine. I'm not kidding :0)).

It's spring, there is a lot of work to do.

That's it for me, the last movement is left and a possible exit into an upward correction is possible.


It's spring, there's a lot of work to be done.
Work never ends, but life alone. ;-))
Strenzier, Zet, come and visit me. We'll go for a steam bath, lie in the snow. We'll have a beer. The guys from Crimea brought their homemade "drug". It's called salom. We'll sit at the dacha, catch grayling on the river bank, drink moonshine. I'm not kidding :0)).

I'll take you up on that...)))

That's it for me, the last movement is left and a possible exit into an upward correction is possible.

Yes, I think 1.3940+_5pp.

I'll take you up on that...))
And I'm not kidding, good people and honest company are always welcome.

FOMC rate decision, today?


FOMC rate decision, today?

Yes. 21:15 Moscow time