Found the talent - page 22

At least that is what the books say :)
This is what makes the currency pair less volatile and more predictable.
It is because of this that the currency pair is less volatile and more predictable.
I see :)
A question for the topicstarter. How many talents have been found so far? And in general, are there any? Be honest ;)
It is because of this that the currency pair is less volatile and more predictable.

Wow... This is the first time I heard that, I always thought the opposite ;)

Question for the topicstarter. How many talents have you found so far and are there any? Be honest ;)

Wow... First time I've heard that, always thought the opposite ;)

Compare the volatility. And everything will fall into place.
Question for the topicstarter. How many talents have been found so far? And in general, are there any? Be honest ;)

Well... First time I heard that, always thought the opposite ;)


There are nine people at the moment.

Just don't ask for their nicknames, it's confidential. Whoever wants to tell us.

Regards, Nicholas.


I'm not a talent, but I'm in the project:)

My bot claims to be a talent, now taking a 2 week exam, although I don't think that's enough, Nikolai, don't you think so?


By the way, who else is in the project?


By the way, who else is in the project?



Whoa... How's it going? How's the demo? How much did you raise/slash? We're basically in competition with each other ;)

Just wondering.


Whoa... How's it going? How's the demo? How much did you get up/down? We're basically in competition with each other ;)

Just curious.

here's a start :)