It's funny, though.

You go to the english forum, and there is silence. all topics are in the context of the forum. there is no trash, no flooding, there is a question and there is an answer.

You go to the russian forum. here you have philosophy, and what BTCs are bastards, and what will happen after the end of the world when the grail breaks. And the shape of time, and toys and puzzles. And if you want to litter, everyone is first in line.

But the Russian soul is very broad, after all. :)))

And as I understood - public moderators - could only appear here. To calm down the especially violent ones... :))


It's funny, though.

When you go to the English forum, it's quiet. All threads follow the forum's context.

There's philosophy, and what bastards DCs are, and what happens after the end of the world when the grail breaks. And the shape of time, and toys and puzzles.

But if you want to talk rubbish, you have to be first in line.

but there is a vast russian soul. :)))

Well, it's one of the nation's forms of entertainment!
"If you're trading with stops of 300-500pp and targets of 1000-2000pp"..." then it's ALWAYS not a long term !!!

I'm convinced - there are no Grails, because we have DTs in the way of making money, I don't have the energy to argue anymore.

I'm convinced - there are no Grails, because we have no DCs to make money, I have no more time to argue.
It's elementary logic! Put yourself in the shoes of a brokerage owner!

atik: да просто элементарнейшая логика ! поставь себя на место хозяина дц !!!

What does a DC have to do with it? You can trade without a DC. What is the problem?
we should do it the easy way, Watson... lower the leverage 20 times! (e.g. on weekends) and in unfavourable conditions on an open position....

I would tell you that I have 1:10 more leverage than required. But I understand that you are about to say that they will reduce it to 1:1 and widen the spread to 1000pp.

If you want it, you look for opportunities, if you don't want it, you look for reasons. Everyone has his own way.

goldtrader: will be reduced to 1:1

With today's liquidity, you may not even open with 1:1 leverage ))))

What does this have to do with dealing centers? We can trade without a brokerage company. What is the problem?

You can ... which e.g. the money-changers at the savings bank do ... ( or with a leverage of 1 : 1 ... )

(but it can hardly be called a grail... even with a huge stretch!)


atik: Можно.. что напр. и делают менялы у сберкасс...

Why so rude? There are other, better methods.
Serge. What is there to say if your examples are from AEN where Grabovoy is registered as a member? Well, fear God! )))
What does HEN have to do with it? What examples? I gave an example about the eternal engine, what does HEN have to do with it? Or this post does not concern me?