Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 39


Apart from TA and FA, there is also JA... ;)

I liked it better from here.


It's not much like that - I can't get it in. Citizens, help a dumbass.

Svinozavr: And yes, the author reserves the right to partially change the way the indicator works, completely change its logic , or abandon it altogether.

This is in Yusuf's thread on finding market patterns. Highlighted by me.


This is in Yusuf's thread on finding market patterns. Highlighted by me.

By us...


That's right, by us. I can even give away authorship in that it is noticed.
That's right, by us. I can even give away the copyright in the fact that it's spotted.

Yeah, the jokes are...

from AkLevin, Peter and you!


A contrabass in short!

yosuf 10.10.2011 11:25

I propose that the search for regularities should also be conducted in a slightly different format, namely to try to create, invent, deduce, guess, ..... a function that could satisfactorily describe a previously known regularity, while being set by known functions or a combination of them. If the assumed function of the market (let's call it thus) solves the problem, only then let us check it on the actual market data. Let us stop for the time being at monotonically varying functions without breaks. Anyone can give me a sequence of 20 digits connected by a pattern known only to the author according to the proposed method. I will try to use 10 of them to determine the parameters of the model, and the next 10 for the forward test. The market function, if one can be obtained at all, should cope with all functions in any combination, as the market is even more complex.

Misha... Did you read it yourself? All of it? I couldn't - eh lot o' letters. Or simbols.

What's so funny? It's more of a pathology...


Misha... Did you read it yourself? All of it? I couldn't - eh lot o' letters. Or simbols.

What's so funny? It's more of a pathology...

I read it. There is a way. You have to take the index finger of your left hand and use it to guide you through the text. It's true that your brain will protest and won't grasp the meaning, demanding that you use your finger from the beginning and again from the beginning. But then you've got to have willpower and you've got to finish with your finger. In the sense of the text. And then you can proudly say to yourself - I read it! // even though I didn't understand a fucking thing.
I read it. There's a way. You have to take the index finger of your left hand and use it to guide you through the text. It's true that your brain will protest, and you won't understand the meaning, so you have to use your finger from the beginning and again from the beginning. But then you have to have willpower and follow it through to the end. In the sense of the text. And then you can proudly say to yourself - I read it! // even though you didn't understand a fucking thing.
Can I borrow it? I'll give it back in one piece. With the same fingerprints. // I mean my finger.