Conversation with a trader - page 30

for you and me ...traders's an exchange ... because we trade with dealers... with dts... with those who buy quotes themselves and resell them to us... if that's understood... and buy from more centralized organizations than the dts themselves - quote providers... which in turn generate them from interbank quotes... which in turn are generated from an infinite number of exchange transactions... and are determined by supply and demand...
I even missed the closing signals on two accounts while I was entertaining...
You've got to be more careful. Business as usual, but fun as usual. Good luck to you, Slava.
The bank as a client trades, if it has a broker's licence it cannot trade on its own behalf? (It sees all orders)
the second round starts all over again? and who gives out these licenses if not the central bank itself? each country has its own ...
starting all over again from the beginning ? and who gives out these licenses if not the central bank itself ? each country has its own...
See you tomorrow.
What a load of crap!!! 30 pages of nothing and nothing...

Yes, stochastics is a theme...

"- Amvrosius Ambruazovich," said Oira-Oira. - 'Can a universal consumer create a stone that even the strongest desire would not be able to lift?
Vybegallo hesitated, but only for a moment.
- It is not a mate need," he said. - It is a whim. I did not make my doubles to be capricious.
- A whim can also be a need, Oira-Oira replied.
- Let's not engage in scholasticism and casuistry," Vybegallo suggested. - And let's not draw ecclesiastical-mystical analogies.

that's a lot of noise !!! 30 pages of nothing and nothing at all...

The question remains unanswered - what funny numbers we have the pleasure to behold in the terminal, in common parlance called bid and ask, where are they from, with these values

at this moment, are they taking in the shaitan machine ?


The question remains unanswered - what funny numbers we have the pleasure of seeing in the terminal, commonly referred to as bid and ask, where do they come from, with these values

at this moment, are they coming from a shaitan machine?

what came to us from the quotes from interbank trading through a bunch of brokers, where everyone removed or added something in accordance with their interests ... and these values are often taken from a streetlight ...

Funny, did you come to the above by yourself or someone else's idea?

About 3 (or 4, not that important) years ago I visited the famous DCNABUKUA. And there the eWar representative in a conversation "unobtrusively" said several times: "1 point of guaranteed profit per day and you're a millionaire".


About 3 (or 4, not that important) years ago I visited the famous DCNABUKUA. And there the eWar representative in a conversation "unobtrusively" said several times: "1 point of guaranteed profit a day and you are a millionaire".

he said it well... and the main thing in the phrase - guaranteed would be great for a guarantee... a 100% guarantee of a 100-percent bounce in the right direction with a profit of 1 pip... 365 pips per year would be enough for all deposits and refinancing at every pip