Average advisor cost - page 2

Thank you for responding, fellow supporters :)
Perhaps I didn't put the question right. I would like to get an average point of reference. Let's model the situation this way:
- we need an Expert Advisor that stupidly opens/closes/turns over a position by crossing two moving averages. No trawl, no money management. Stupidly open/close/reverse positions.
How much do you think we should charge for this kind of work?
For comparison. My friend once ordered such an Expert Advisor on Alpari from someone. They did it for 35 quid. I almost groaned when he told me about it. He sent me the code and I found some serious flaws in it.
I think it's a sin to charge more than 5 or 10 quid for an EA of this complexity. And the price of $35 and the code is incomplete...

In short, how much do you think such work is worth? Or let's say, how much would each of you take for writing such a simple EA?
In the specific example, I would do it for free :)

IMHO you have to evaluate your own work and feel how much your mental and physical effort and how much you are willing to ask for any code. After all, if you are morally unable to accept that the programs you have written for more than $100, then you and the customers you will not have orders.

Everyone who is involved in programming professionally understands that the more he knows and knows how, the more experience he has,
The more complex the prêt that he has to implement and therefore receives the corresponding remuneration. And such pampering as opening orders at crossing of indices is easy.
I would estimate this job at 500 rubles, provided that it is from scratch, i.e. there are no ready-made developments. I estimate my executive module BLue_Dream at 1000 rubles, the latest version can do almost everything by indicator signals, except that it only works with a single order so far. And I would put the algorithm you suggested into an indicator that gives the appropriate signals. And I would price this indicator at 100 rubles. If you want, you can trade manually, if you want automatic - buy Blue_Dream Executive Module. However, you don't need to buy the executive module when ordering the next indicator.
sergeev >>:
в конкретном примере я бы сделал бесплатно :)

ИМХО вы сами должны оценивать свой труд и чувствовать насколько велики ваши умственные и физические трудозатраты и сколько вы готовы просить за какой либо код. Ведь если вы морально не можете принять, что писанные вами программы стоят более 100$, то и клиентов у вас и заказов таких не будет.

Все кто профессионально занимается программированием понимает что чем больше он знает и умеет, чем больше опыта уже имеет,
тем сложнее пректы ему приходится реализовывать, а следовательно получает за это соответствующее вознаграждение. И такое баловство типа открытие ордеров при

Very supportive. It's a shame to take money for something like that.

Oh, I'm not in the mood for pampering. Believe me.
And I started this topic simply because I would like to have a more stable point of reference than the one I have.
Especially since I raised the right topic. Maybe I phrased it wrong, but I still need a reference point. Look at it this way - in fact if you do not agree on the price the programmer can simply send the customer to this branch of the forum and he will see that the price of the programmer is justified. Or say, before ordering something the customer himself will visit this thread, and reinitiate the level of complexity and understand the programmer is not so, as before. Or the programmer, after reading this thread will realize that he is hefty price and therefore sitting without money, or vice versa, charging too little and therefore suffering. You do agree that the work of a programmer sometimes simple, and sometimes it is so that you could hang yourself, but find a solution and put it out on time!
zhuki >>:

Очень поддерживаю. Стыдно брать за такое деньги.

Why is it a shame? You'll spend at least half a day on correspondence with the client, figuring out what they need, writing for an hour, and then you'll spend some more time testing and looking for mistakes. Or is that not a job?

zhuki >>:

Очень поддерживаю. Стыдно брать за такое деньги.

It's not about the money, it's about the cost of labour. I have made so many advisers in my time that I could make a museum collection for nothing. So I understand those who agree to not charge a penny for such things.
Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. Okay, I'll think a couple of hours, maybe I'll find another, more effective formulation of the question. And something and then we go off topic somewhere in the borderlands ... :)
valenok2003 >>:

Почему стыдно? Вы, как минимум, пол дня потратите на переписку с клиентом, выясняя что же ему нужно, напишите за часик, а потом ещё какое-то время будете тестировать и ошибки искать. Или это не работа?

No, it's not a job, it's a sales pitch. I won't even negotiate.

And the correspondence is true - sometimes you get such a technical task that it takes the lion's share of time and effort to find out what the client really wants. He'd be happy to tell you everything clearly and simply - but he can't. So you pull the information out of him like a pincer. It happens. What can you do about it? In the meantime, half a day has passed, at least. And you want to eat too, not just talk for nothing...
And programmers have families, rent and other costs that you can't get away from...
drknn >>:
Посмотрите на это дело с другой стороны - ведь при несогласии цены программер может отправить заказчика просто на эту ветку форума и тот убедится в том, что цена программера вполне оправдана. Или скажем так, прежде чем заказывать что-то заказчик сам посетит эту ветку, сореинтируется в уровне сложности и поймёт программера совсем не так, как ранее. Или программер, прочитав эту ветку поймёт, что он цену заламывает и потому сидит без денег, или наоборот, слишком мало берёт и потому бедствует. Вы ведь согласны что труд программера иногда прост, а иногда такой, что хоть вешайся, но решение найди и выложи в срок!

I'll say it again. State your price and don't be shy about it. If you know that you will have some difficulties with a particular order, then allow yourself to set a price that suits you in terms of competent and desirable performance. If you wanted 30 and you get paid 10, then I think the desire to do so code you will be little.So plan their own labor costs and evaluate their work. For someone else 100 is not money, and for someone else 5 is a pity.
The way you think about yourself, the way you will treat customers.