Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 2

Neveteran >>:

... серьезные портфели, выигрывают конкурсы....

Schoolkids are supposed to carry briefcases and win physics and maths competitions. )

Neveteran wrote >>

Do you have anything to brag about?

Bingo! I used to go to the city chemistry Olympiads when I was a kid. )

thestalker >>:

Школота, она и должна носить портфели, выигрывать конкурсы по физике математике. )

Neveteran писал(а) >>

А Вам есть чем похвастаться?

Есть! Я вот в детстве ходил на городские олимпиады по химии. )

And I'm in biology )))

artikul >>:

А я по биологии )))

And I'm in physics, chemistry and biology. :-Е

I have certificates too :)

MetaDriver >>:

А я по физике, химии и биологии. :-Е

У меня и справки (грамоты) есть :)

Shit ))))

From the news: "A settlement of Old Believers punks has been discovered in Siberia. They show 'Fuck' with two fingers"...
MetaDriver >>:
Из новостей: "В сибири обнаружено поселение панков староверов. Они показывают "Fuck" двумя перстами."...

Good thing they don't pick their nose with them ))))

Neveteran писал(а) >>

I am starting this thread in order to demonstrate a sustainable model of behaviour in the market that is based on an understanding of the consequences of chaotic processes, and exploits the most persistent tendency, the chaotic tendency to destabilise.

So demonstrate, then ...
The pictures posted have something to do with it ? I would like to know what.
The beginning (first post) was good, but then what?
В дальнейшем я хочу представить основные принципы (модель поведения) ТС и разложу ее на базовые составляющие.

В основу положенно понимание отсутствия каких либо (глобальных) тенденций на рынке, как основополагающий фактор.
Для большей доступности восприятия, данного факта, описанное ниже прошу рассматривать для самых младших ТФ, там уж точно отслеживать любимых многими "машек", строительство каналов и подсчет свечек, занятие совершенно бессмысленное.

Фантомы, которые мы создаем:
да простит меня армия "элиотчиков", но приверженность к технике определения волн, отскоков от уровней и принципиальное ожидание прохода через психологические уровни с .0000 (нулями) после запятой, есть ничто иное, как массовое поклонение одиозной идее. Но засчет массовости этого поклонения, технически эта модель имеет место. И это здорово. Но чем отличается все это от гадания на кофейной гуще? И как может помочь в этом случае уверенно отстающий индикатор, или наскальная живопись по историческим следам катировок?

Я оцениваю все что происходит, как примитивное движение цены ВВЕРХ и ВНИЗ. И мне этого достаточно, тем более что это абсолютно повторяющееся явление. Расчет вероятности получения результатов при одинаковых стартовых условиях будет неуклонно стремиться в периоде к значению 50/50. И эта тенденция так же является абсолютно системной.

Как это использовать с пользой, как извлечь прибыль?
Об этом немного позже, представлю цитату из описания ТС

Prototype Logicpresentation TS

"The probability of occurrence of any event, can be predicted with relative accuracy, but that it will happen, can be taken as an absolute regularity" ...

This quote defines exactly the basic principles laid down in TS

We have staked the inevitability of the occurrence of an expected event, and built the logic of TS, considering the regularity that sooner or later any event is bound to happen .

We do not know what event will occur, it will be an up movement, or a down movement, or the price will stay in its place. But we know one thing for sure - the market is predictable in terms of occurrence of one of three events.

Causes, consequences, preconditions, in case the price changes in one direction or another on the market, do not matter for us. Only the actual change of the price in real time. There is that one and main indicator on which is guided and reacts TS.

This TS provides work in the area of systematic actions aimed at maintaining internal balance. The principle of maintaining balance (equilibrium) derives from an adequate approach to any occurring event in relation to the inevitability of its occurrence. We have been guided in the creation of the system, by one principle:

" Anything that can happen is bound to happen"...

The main advantagesof TS, is thelack of orientation to external and internal factors, primarily history and news.

The system is only linked to the current price. And by default, it reacts adequately to any change in price in any direction.

The standard systematic approach to any event occurring in the market, is an unchangeable rule.

In the proposed TS, we used the probability calculation factor, of any price change. We have aggressively applied the technique of maximum approximation (attraction) of the expected event.

Independent (but integral) elements included in TS can include, the logicof "Thin Thread" which physically distorts time, approximates and activates upcoming events, as well as the rules and order of execution of "Virtual Orders".

TS is a complete cycle of systematised steps, non-linearly ordered and absolutely balanced, both among themselves and in relation to the logic of deposit retention .

I read that somewhere before )))

Saturn was the original son of Sirius and the twin brother of Uranus. But fierce Uranus appeared as the Lord of the Sun and became Saturn's rival. Saturn then appeared as the most brilliant and passionately intense Sun, much more expansive than Uranus, by virtue of its absorption of many suns, comets and moons. It became the most beautiful Sun, but a hollow one, due to its lack of cosmic magnetism, which is necessary for the proper development of the solar system. And he was displaced by Uranus. Lucifer had all the features of Saturn's composition in his body and had fiercely developed the power of the thickening of the thin shells. Thereby he promoted intelligence and appeared on the Pride and became a powerful rival to Uranus. But Uranus possessed higher vibrations and acquired higher knowledge. The Solar Hierarch of Uranus, together with Lucifer, appeared on Earth - and Uranus became Lucifer's rival. He appeared at the call of the new Sun which became the centre of our solar system - and Saturn had to withdraw