Generation of uniformly distributed random numbers (0,1) - page 12


And not bad, not bad at all (where a million is). And 1,000 and 100 could have been left out. It is clear that the spread would be much greater there.


Here's a picture of 30,000 pairs.


gumgum, can you show the same picture on MathRand()? People should know their heroes (I'm talking about the built-in function)...

Mathemat >>:

gumgum, а ты можешь показать ту же картинку на MathRand()? Народ должен знать своих героев (я говорю о встроенной функции)...

30000 MathRand()/32767 pairs.

gumgum >>:

30000 пар MathRand()/32767.

Hmm, doesn't seem too bad. Although there's a bit of a lumpiness in both of them

Mathemat >>:

gumgum, а ты можешь показать ту же картинку на MathRand()? Народ должен знать своих героев (я говорю о встроенной функции)...

MathRand is noticeably better.

gumgum >>:

30000 пар MathRand()/32767.

Take three times the (10000) link above and another 2767 link below

Add them up into one and show them if it's not difficult.

SProgrammer >>:

Возмите три раз по (10000) ссылка выше и еще 2767 ссылка ниже

Сложите в одну и покажите, если не трудно.


gumgum >>:


Pity :) It's something to aspire to.

SProgrammer >>:

Жаль :) Это то к чему надо стремиться.

I'm sorry. What is there to strive for?