Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 82

So gold - silver, mini sp500 Dow Jones, are these the same kind of futures? Sorry for the questions, I'm a bit undeveloped.
kaln82 >>:
То есть золото - серебро, мини сп500 доуджонс, это и есть однотипные фьючи? извените за такие вопросы, немного недоразвит я

almost the same, but light oil and the brand are 100% the same,

both work

Thank you very much, it's all sorted now
kaln82 писал(а) >>
So where do you find these tools?

If you're new to the subject, drop me a line and I'll explain in detail.

Critic писал(а) >>

Imho, applying arbitrage (not to pick on definitions) to currencies (between each other) and futures (between each other) is wrong, because in both cases we are simply dealing with crosses.

For the time being, everything will be fine, but then the cross will fly away - and there will be a very good moose, and nothing can be done about it.

Arbitrage is well applicable to correlated instruments of stock and other markets, but not forex.

For example, look at the correlations between: gold-oil-miniSP-miniNASDAC-dex-eurostock-ftse-sas, furnace_fuel-gasoline, soybean-corn-wheat.

This is not the first time the idea has been expressed here that to trade spread pairs of currencies, is like trading their crosses through the dollar. I assure you that this is not entirely true. The cross only denotes the general trend in the behaviour of the spread of currencies over the long term. And... by the way, it may serve as a good indicator in organizing profitable trading.

The fact that popular crosses are actively traded independently, and its influence on currencies is indirect.

Almost every day I have the privilege to observe how the cross and spread can move in different directions - a perfect opportunity for making a profit.

If to add to the above mentioned, that on Forex, unlike futures, there is a solid and better quotation, no expiry date and one hundred percent liquidity - make your own conclusions.

The spot market is also a good opportunity for spread trading.

Spread trading and arbitrage are two big differences. Pure arbitrage only happens inter-market arbitrage. This is when the same asset is bought on different platforms.

One more thing I wanted to say. Guys ... why do you spend so much effort on splitting? In this kind of trading, unlocking is not even the tenth, but the twentieth thing... There are more important things this branch stubbornly refuses to move towards... I mean developing a profitable strategy... Something I suggested at the beginning of the post...

forex-k >>:

здесь видно как прибыль скачет вверх вниз но не улетает в далекие края и это важно

золото серебро спот лоты одинаковые

Could you please tell me how to make the Index indicator at least draw something. I enter gold and silver, but the field is empty. What could be the problem?


You may not be entering the instrument names correctly.

The last character in the name is not the letter "O", - but the number ZERO !


No, I've checked everything several times. Or maybe I'm using the wrong indicator. Could you please post it again? I'd be very grateful.

KiLL-ll >>:

Нет все несколько раз проверил. Или может не тем индикатором пользуюсь. Не могли бы выложить еще раз? Буду очень благодарен.

The publicly available indicators are for demo accounts only.

Thank you! We'll fix it now ;)