"The 'perfect' trading system - page 144


He's not a trader, he's a developer. (ц)

He stopped being a developer as soon as he started raising other people's funds, and then
he has shown himself to be an utterly cynical crook.
There are no words...
And I have no words. One cubic period.

Question: I opened this here:
the tab "Funds and allocation".
There on the lower chart the peak = 2.8 million.
Has anyone invested in this account?

This scammer was very much promoted by all kinds of "partners" with their mailing lists for suckers ("how to get rich quick and without thinking"). That's how they got suckers for three billion 100 rubles each. =)
There is no doubt about it. He has shown himself the absolutely cynical swindler. I don't understand one thing, what he has got out of it, where is his earnings from all this pyramid?

"I may or may not dig" (c)

He sort of 'runs' a'big and very long-term project'. He's set himself up, found idiot venture capitalists and is pissing away their dough. Life is good. =)

The investors (sponsors of his useless activity, not "PAMM investors") seem to behave like a typical trader. They cannot cut losses and they go on investing, hoping for a miracle that Artyukhov will make something profitable. But after all "Profit is nothing" (in Artyukhov's words). =)

By the way, he has achieved his goal.
If you remember, he was talking about PAMM stability.
And the highest degree of stability is death

He has opened another account, by the way http://www.alpari.ru/ru/pamm/info/id/206277/ And was about to do so. The "new generation" of depositors will already be draining there. =)

By the way, he has achieved his goal.
If you remember, he was talking about PAMM stability.
And the highest degree of stability is death

He has opened another account, by the way http://www.alpari.ru/ru/pamm/info/id/206277/ And was about to do so. The "new generation" of depositors will already be draining there. =)

And the account went straight to the drain of stability.

This smart guy of yours is a mess, you'll be crying.

I see nothing pleases the forum members more than someone else's flush. Sad comrades. It's like, so what if my cow died, but my neighbour's two died...