Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 146

ULAD >> :

Congratulations! I take it you're fishing with fly fishing tackle?

>> it's not fly fishing.

It's easier to look at it once...


Who told you that by the end of the year?

some faggot in a leather coat

don't fucking lie to me, every time you make a random prediction...

at the beginning of the last thread you assured me it would be 12 by the end of the year and you promised to look at my surprised face when the forecast came true at the end of the year

it was when the markets started recovering that you realized you were bullshitting and started saving it for 2010

And stop zigzagging. I don't see anything in your zigzags without the LSD.

ULAD >> :

That's a lot of timber to print a piece of paper.

>> it's been electronic for half a century now.

oil >> :

>> so it's been electronic for half a century.

I'm thinking they don't have that much wood, that's why they switched to digitel.
ULAD >> :

National debt =11.9 trillion. It would take 3 and a half years to pay back everything the U.S. has produced.

There's a lot of wood to print them in.

The "everything produced in the U.S." is called GDP (USA GDP), which is something like 15 trillion.

The national debt is mostly in debt securities, and it cannot be paid off before maturity (tomorrow for example), even if you really want to pay it off, you have to pay fines.

Euro- interesting stoploss on the sell- obviously the enemies have given us a target in six months....
oil >> :

some faggot in a leather coat

Don't you fuckin' sneak up on me, every time you make a random prediction...

>> Ilya, get out of the way.

We're having a serious conversation about the professional approach to salmon fishing.


Mischek >> :

It's called a fly.

By the way, yesterday 6 kg and a little

a couple of weeks left, good places from the shore, if you come later it's impossible to find, the wire is already alternating, no boat yet

And my friend has fished all over the neighbourhood, now he told me to go to the neighbours.

to Imatra on Saimaa. Pikes are being caught there. Last winter he brought one of 11 kg.

He has a special jig with a diameter of 350 mm, so it did not fit into the hole.

The Finns came to help him, they spent half an hour in the hole,

I broke my hands in blood, but I got the pike out.

The ice there is 50-70 cm thick, so it's a tough job. It's not a fly!


goldtrader >> :

I've got a friend who's got all the fish in the area, and now he's telling me to go to his neighbours.

to Imatra on Saimaa. He's been hauling pike there. Last winter he brought back one of 11 kg.

He had a special grinder, 350 mm in diameter, so it wouldn't fit in the hole.

The Finns came to help him, they spent half an hour in the hole,

I got my hands all bloody, but I got the pike out.

The ice there is 50-70 cm thick, so it's a tough job. It's not a fly!


The Vuoksa River starts from Saimaa.

The situation in Finland is interesting, the fish reproduction rate is lower there, but there are more fish in general.

Of course, no one sets nets at night.

In winter in Finland, it is easy to catch pike on ice-holes - you just made holes along the shore, put live fish on them and have a banya, then come and get it in the morning.

But you can go higher towards Sartavala, to Karelia, the roads are awful, some people have our UAZi-Bukhanka trucks at their summer cottages, they go better than jeeps.

In Imatra there is a cozy water park with a simulation of a thunderstorm.

I've fished for big roach in a mountain river by wrapping a cigarette packet around the hook.