EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1534

Rich >>:
Крутое пике?!

strangerr писал(а) >>

Are you still standing in the long?
Vlad72 >>:

Ты ещё стоишь в лонге?

buy 1.3552, sell stop 1.3400
strangerr >>:

Япошки сказали, что нахрен нужен такой евросоюз, если они не хотят помогать одному из своих членов.)))

I wouldn't call it help. The proud Greek people are lazy and they have never been very keen to work. They have had budgetary problems for life. It is more like an attempt to solve their problems at someone else's expense. They were not forced to go to the European Union. If you take part in a joint venture, beaver stick to agreements, especially these agreements are for their benefit. The European Union offers real advantages, and the proud Greek people should not withdraw from it.

gip >>:

Вот я бы это помощью не назвал. Гордый грецкий народ ленивенький и работать они всегда не очень-то горели желанием. Проблемы с бюджетом у них пожизненные. Это больше похоже на попытку решить свои проблемы за чужой счет. Насильно идти в евросоюз их не заставляли. Если участвуешь в каком-то совместном предприятии, будь бобр соблюдай договоренности, тем более эти договоренности на их же благо. А евросоюз дает реальные преимущества, выходить из него гордому грецкому народу не стоит.

Here you are wrong, to go or not to go no one asked them, take for example us (Ukraine) now, about 70% of the population is against joining the EU and Nato, but we have been dragged there and I think will continue to be dragged because it is a ball of dough for our servants of the people. There is such a bunch in the Jewish Union that they are the mast dai.)))
All credits from IMF for previous two years have been squandered on support of banks and enterprises of the servants, a part has settled in their pockets, here work though twenty-four hours nothing will change if the country is ruled by a herd of thieves which only sometimes change among themselves portfolios, for that and separation from union has been organized - to steal without looking back on Moscow, our hoholks know well to steal and in free time from this occupation to tell about Independence and VolnUkraine.
RekkeR >>:

The lines are similar to the Ishimoku.
RekkeR >>:

Kill me, I can't see anything here apart from the two lagging trend indicators and the wristband....

strangerr >>:

Тут ты не прав, идти или не идти их никто и не спрашивал, ...

Eh, but progress with the secession of Ukraine is evident - the local select thieves have gathered in one place. That's where they need to be whacked :))) Or just quarantine them, let everyone in, don't let anyone out :).
Good morning everyone ... so ... Let's go up...