EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1373


Yeah... colleagues, I've come to the conclusion - that's it, no more hand trades. It's either automatic or no deal at all.

newbie_d >>:

Мда... коллеги, пришёл к выводу - всё, больше ни одной сделки руками. Или автомат, или вообще никак.

It's fine, it's fine. You'll get a couple of depots and you'll come to the conclusion - that's it, no more trades by machine, or by hand, or no trades at all.
I'll open a parallel short :)
Sluggishly going on, maybe still climbing up.
zznobzz >>:
Открою ка я параллельно шортик :)

Don't open the shorts, you'll miss out ;)


At 1.38 67 went probably....
Who thinks in the moment ???
Anybody have any local pictures ???

13:37 MARKETTING: EUR/USD on track to 1.3840 - BarCap

12.03.2010 14:15 zznobzz wrote:>>
I'll open a parallel short :)

Bike shorts everyone measures, shorts, shorts.

The start of talk of a rise at the official level is the first sign of a fall.
Galina >>:

На 1.38 67 пошла наверное....
Кто что думает в моменте ???
Картинки есть у кого локальные ???

I have an empty chart) with no indicators and nothing. I don't think there's any point in posting it.

Hello all.
Oooh... The team is assembled)