First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 71

If you are looking for the end or the beginning of a trend, you should probably look at the last point, where it reverses, and what happens there may be the answer there in the final stop.........
Although I would not be surprised that such points always occur on reversals, even short-term ones, but how to classify them programmatically? -.... - they are there at the highs and lows of any bar, the pulse of the fade visually you can see them.
Although I don't know, I will not argue with you, there is a mathematical way that is not clear for me in the sense of its use in trading, maybe they have some sense, but the definition of something in the long term that exactly where the pair will go I think the people who have never traded manually, there is a certain trend in the market mood that is implied by the impulse decline or rise there is a prolonged decline and also rises without strong volatility, it is like this pace calm without a break, but there is movement. Some clever people compared to explosions as if giving an analogy, I will give you an example of the natural character of the rain. Something like that can be applied to movement in a certain direction.
AlexEro >>:

Если бы он смог сделать это ХОТЯ БЫ ПРИБЛИЗИТЕЛЬНО, то ещё до восхода солнца его бы выкрали : ЦРУ/MI-5/MI-6/ФСБ/Моссад (нужное подчеркнуть) ....., и остаток жизни он бы провёл вполне счастливо в горах Колорадо по программе защиты .... математиков. Такие случаи бывали. Тот же Бург с энтропией, например.

You can be as funny as you like, as long as you don't swear...

Can I get a link to this story about Burge?

probeGal >>:
Даа... Миха. А я ждал мысли... )))))

If this is a trade offer, you've clearly overestimated your old nicknames
Mathemat >>:

Да стебайтесь сколько угодно, лишь бы не ругались...

А ссылочку на эту историю о Бурге можно?

About Burg, this is circumstantial.

born in 1931

AlexEro >>:

Про Бурга - это косвенные данные.

born in 1931

What was his full name anyway? I'll see if I can find it myself. Because the only one I have is Chris de Bourgh.
Mathemat >>:
Как его хоть звали-то по полной? Сам попробую поискать. А то у меня один только Крис де Бург находится.

John Parker Burg

There is a big list of mathematicians, with pictures and dates of Leibniz and Gauss, and half of the modern mathematicians-compressor-coders even have no dates of birth.

Military secret......

There's even a picture of Eugene Roshal.

probeGal >>:
По первому - тренд стремление к равновесию интересов.
Второе - логично, что их тут только два ( общепринятые быки и медведи)
Третье - Цена производная от взаимодействия этих интересов
Как узнать цену - смоделировать поведение обоих сторон

ЗЫ:остальное секреты:)

Well, let's reflect
1 The pursuit of equilibrium of interests.
that if there is an imbalance between supply and demand, we will see a directional move to swallow scarce bids until a balance is reached, everyone remembers this from first grade
2. it is logical that there are only two of them (the common bulls and bears).
In this sentence, I have not understood the meaning of the word "logical" due to my own feeble mind and vision defects, and everyone else remembers bulls and bears from kindergarten.
3. Price is a derivative of the interaction of these interests
the same as 1 and 2 but one more time, just in case or just for me, slowpoke.

Synopsis by
Secrets remain
after comprehending the previous one, it remains to assume that the secret package - buy cheap, sell dear
probeGal >>:

You don't think it's realistic to monitor the money supply?

What do you mean?
I want to understand.
Don't get clever - explain in your own words
probeGal wrote >>
"you don't think it's realistic to monitor money supply"

How, if it's not a secret?
probeGal >>:

Просто деньги - ты функции денег дочитай, прежде чем меня грузить :). Почитай в той стороне серьёзно, у тебя спесь проёдёт.

I see
So... it's... you change the nicknames, don't change the nicknames...