Crisis: Don't we care? - page 61

cabluk >> :

hasn't everyone downloaded the carporatocracy movie yet?

>> it's been three months since Spirit of Time II: Annex.

after these pictures my brain has been simmering for the second week now....

Zet1972 >> :

after these pictures my brain is boiling for the second week now....

Relax The Great Wheel

cabluk >> :

>> relax The Great Wheel

Thank you - I'll be sure to listen to it.

A bunch of events: "world food crisis", state department: - the world is going from unipolar to multipolar, financial crisis.
If you can guess who's responsible, you'll know who's responsible.
cabluk >> :

I want to remind you of one of the advantages of China's economy: food self-sufficiency

So? Imagine living in a food self-sufficient country. How would that help you if you lost your job and you can't afford to buy food?

And truth be told, China is a major food importer today, the U.S. is a major food exporter. Although if you made the Chinese eat grass, then they'd really be self-sufficient.

Zet1972 >> :

yes .......

...... Despite the nuclear weapons in North Korea, Pakistan with its terrorist organizations and permanent conflict with India, Israel-Palestine conflict, the future U.S. President Barack Obama cites Iran as the major problem in 2009.....

.... World War II, while causing devastation and enormous loss of life in Europe and the USSR, was nevertheless a lifesaver for the US economy after the "Great Depression". And it is to the latter that the current crisis is being compared.

Precisely because India and Pakistan already have nuclear weapons and could foolishly use them, the US has to be more careful to protect your life too from a possible nuclear disaster. Iran has an extremist government that wants to have a bomb, but doesn't yet. It's in the interest of all normal people that Iran doesn't get a bomb.

The Great Depression is a separate long story. Among other things, at that time the US government had a very wise policy of creating jobs, a huge number of infrastructure projects were built - roads, dams. This laid a good foundation for future economic growth. Even today, the governments of leading countries are saying and doing the same thing - building infrastructure that will create new jobs today and help the economy recover quickly tomorrow.


to timbo

when you were chewing toilet paper as an ingredient in sausages and dumplings,
the chinese started 4 modernisations and were already fully self-sufficient in food, including grass.
nowadays russia is much more dependent than china (that much)) on importing important components of the food basket,
such as meat, dairy products, durum wheat, sugar, etc.

Korey >> :
The failed attempt in 2008 to create a world food crisis comes to mind - as if "somebody is eating too much".
- The markets reacted elastically by pushing food prices down.
and even then - everyone has his or her own snack.
because of this general resistance to a food crisis, some people have had to crash their finances.

Bullshit. Again looking for the enemy where there is none.

Food prices have risen because of increased consumption, primarily by India and China and secondarily because of increased planting for biofuels, i.e. less land for crops. A trivial supply/demand ratio.

Unlike oil production, it is very easy to increase "production" of grain, which has been done - farmers, seeing how well the grain is selling, have increased plantings and prices have fallen. At the same time, many governments imposed restrictions or outright bans on biofuels.

Korey >> :

to timbo

when you were eating toilet paper shaped like the ingredient in sausages and dumplings,
the chinese started four upgrades and were already fully self-sufficient in food, including weed from 1980.
Currently the Russian Federation is much more dependent on imports of important components of the food basket than the PRC (that's how much)),
like meat, dairy, durum wheat, sugar etc.

How does all this negate the fact that China is the largest grain importer in the world?

And what does this have to do with the Russian Federation? We are talking in this case about superpowers that have an impact on the world economy. The Russian Federation is not one of those. It is clear that the Russian Federation is screwed in terms of food. That is unfortunate but it has no impact on the global crisis. As a last resort, the US will again plant leftovers from its table so that the Russians don't die out, as they have done in the past.

Korey >> :

to timbo

when you ate toilet paper as an ingredient in sausages and dumplings,

Pure curiosity: am I the only one "eating toilet paper shaped like an ingredient in sausages and dumplings"? You didn't eat them? Why this personification?

I'm flattered to have my humble persona mentioned in the context of the global crisis, but I think you're exaggerating the role of personality in history.