[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 170

chief2000 писал(а) >>

I found the reason - I have to:

instead of

Thank you!

When counted_bars is roughly equal to Bars, i will get a negative value. Think again.


Can I ask you a completely nouveau riche question?

what is a "kitchen" and a "semi-cookhouse", I understand that's what a DC is called (because a friend asked me a question and I don't know what to say, although I've been getting on my nerves for over 2 years now ^_^)

Vinin >> :

When counted_bars is about equal to Bars, i will get a negative value. Think about it again.

Yes, we'll have to revisit this case again. But it's running "as it should" on the story now :)

How can an EA automatically set a pending order at the beginning of each new day, and remove it at the end of that day?

How to determine the maximum (minimum) of several values?

MathMax only allows to calculate from two, we have to repeat this function by the number of values compared (-1, of course).

Is there nothing else?

alderru >> :

How to determine the maximum (minimum) of several values?

MathMax only allows to calculate from two, I have to repeat this function by the number of values compared (-1, of course).

Is there nothing else?

e.g. with a function,... array search,...

double a[]={9, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3};

//+------------макс элемент------------------------

double ArrayMax(double& x[]) {
  if (ArraySize( x)>0) return( x[ArrayMaximum( x)]);
  else {
  Print("ArrayMax(): Массив пуст!");

//+------------мин элемент------------------------

double ArrayMin(double& x[]) {
  if (ArraySize( x)>0) return( x[ArrayMinimum( x)]);
  else {
  Print("ArrayMin(): Массив пуст!");


Sorry, I couldn't resist and created a separate topic: 'How to choose (determine) the maximum of several values?

There, by the way, and in more detail about what I wanted (and did I even want to?)

I'm wondering if anyone can help me... with a script that puts a pause at the beginning of the day... and at the end of the day it's gone. ????
Infinity >> :
no one can help me... with a script that puts a pause at the beginning of the day... and at the end of the day it's gone. ????

We are not writers :)), but KimIV has something similar in different variants on his site. You can either find it ready-made, or modify it for your own needs.

do you want to have a looped script?