Can you tell me which trading systems anyone knows? I'm sick of metatrader! - page 6


Let me explain the difference - there are trading rules, but no rules for trading automation. And they are, in fact, being introduced...

And this is a question for brokerage companies, not for developers..... Some brokerage companies prohibit autotrading. And now what? MT4 is to blame?


Let me explain the difference - there are trading rules, but no rules for trading automation. And they are, in fact, being introduced...

And this is a question for brokerage companies, not for developers..... Some brokerage companies prohibit autotrading. And now what? MT4 is to blame?

What does it have to do with MT4? Store says we may trade at any time, I don't mind. So, why cannot I set pending orders for 5 minutes? Yeah, and no answer, again we have the standard set of dodges. :))


What does DC have to do with it? The OC says to put a pendulum at any time, I don't mind... So why can't I put a 5 minute pending order? Yeah, and no answer, again the standard set of tricks. :))

Why no answer? There is an answer)))))))))))) You could be being lied to by the DC by saying so on purpose to get away with it....... sue them - then you'll know who's right.


... If brokerage companies do not specify a minimum expiry time, and tech support says they don't give a damn - even in 10 seconds. And MT does not allow us to place an order with these parameters, then this is simply an error in MT. We do not agree with what? Our brokerage companies allow us to do this and do not know where to configure it, while MT does not allow us to do it. But nowhere does it say anything about this restriction... WHAT is this if not an error.

I suspect that the expiration parameter is used in practice by no more than 1-5% of users-autotraders and most of them do not even suspect the 10min limitation. They do not really care about it. The software is written and adjusted for 95-99% of users and there will always be those who will be unsatisfied with something.

However, the technical support that has replied "at least 10 seconds" probably doesn't understand the consequences of the virtual absence of minimum order expiration. Actually, the order can be deleted by means of MQL at any time during its lifetime. IMHO the problem is blown.


What does DC have to do with it? The DC says to put a pendulum at any time, I don't mind... So why can't I put a 5 minute pending order? Yeah, and no answer, again the standard set of tricks. :))

Why no answer? There is an answer)))))))))))) You may be cheated by the DC by saying so on purpose.......Sue them - then you'll know who's right.

Here again I have to say that we do not read what they write - well you can do it with your hands.... That's how it is. With your hands you can do this for a minute. But in the script, fuh-..... only gives a minute. 11 minutes. So it's your evil dc's fault again? :))


What does DC have to do with it? The OC says to put a pendulum at any time, I don't mind... So why can't I put a 5 minute pending order? Yeah, and no answer, again the standard set of tricks. :))

Why no answer? There is an answer)))))))))))) You may be cheated by the DC by saying so on purpose.......Sue them - then you'll know who's right.

Here again I have to say that we do not read what they write - well you can do it with your hands.... That's how it is. With your hands you can do this for a minute. But in the script, fuh.... only gives a minute. 11 minutes. So it's your evil dc's fault again? :))

You're gonna have a hard time doing it by hand. Maybe that's the point. How can you not understand that? It's a limitation in auto-trading, I think.

The only way to find out is if it's not in the contract, then sue and you'll see where the dog is buried......))))))))))))))))))


... If brokerage companies do not specify a minimum expiry time, and tech support says they don't give a damn - even in 10 seconds. And MT does not allow us to place an order with these parameters, then this is simply an error in MT. We do not agree with what? Our brokerage companies allow us to do this and do not know where to configure it, while MT does not allow us to do it. But nowhere does it say anything about this restriction... WHAT is this if not an error.

I suspect that the expiration parameter is used in practice by no more than 1-5% of users-autotraders and most of them do not even suspect the 10min limitation. They do not really care about it. The software is written and adjusted for 95-99% of users and there will always be those who will be unsatisfied with something.

However, the technical support that has replied "at least 10 seconds" probably doesn't understand the consequences of the virtual absence of minimum order expiration. Actually, the order can be deleted by means of MQL at any time during its lifetime. This is a blown problem.

So, remove this parameter at all. Or write the min 11 minutes in the docks.

But on the standard excuses - "programmed" I'll give you this answer. What if division by zero happens in your Expert Advisor? What then? Well... You guys don't know your stuff very well.

You can't make such strange "mistakes" in the financial software! IT CANNOT!


Да ручками ты заколебёшься это делать. Может на это и расчёт. Как ты не можешь этого понять? Это ограничение в автоторговле, я так думаю.

The only way to find out is if it's not in the contract, then go to court and you'll find out where the dog is buried......))))))))))))))))))

Buddy, here's where we have a misunderstanding with you - I say "...and maybe even as rules I do not know there is?" Not the case it's not, it can not be, the rules should be. Either we (users) start playing by the rules - "fuck...." DC or it fucks... you .... I personally do not have any interest in such games. Then I'd rather go straight to the brokers, at least everything is clear there.... But in fact I'm almost 100% sure you're wrong. And there is no malicious intent on the part of brokerage companies. I think we should just look at the chart and check whether we have enough courage to stand firm and make a right choice. So I think it's just the MT. :))


But to the standard "program it" excuse, I'll give you this answer. What if division by zero happens in your Expert Advisor? What then? Well... You guys don't know your stuff very well.

It's not an excuse, it's a suggestion.

And what does division have to do with it, all the more so when it's zero? :(

You compare the time of order opening with the current time. If this difference exceeds the limit you have set (expiry time), then orderDelete(...);

That's it. Where is the division here?

if (TimeCurrent()-OrderOpenTime() > _Expiration)

My friend, here is our misunderstanding - I say "...but maybe there are rules that I do not know?" This is not the case, it is not possible, there should be rules. Either we (users) start playing by the rules - "fuck...." DC or it fucks... you .... I personally do not have any interest in such games. Then I'd rather go straight to the brokers, at least everything is clear there.... But really, I'm almost 100% sure you're wrong. And there is no malicious intent on the part of brokerage companies. I think we should just look at the chart and check whether we have enough courage to stand firm and make a right choice. So I think it's just the MT. :))

Maybe, I don't know. But the point here is the following. It is clear that errors are corrected as they are found. And not only they must be found, we still need to properly inform the technical support, so that it would correct them. But hardly anybody uses this function. This is the error that was not found and therefore not corrected........