[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 127


Not humour

Live from underwater at the very spot http://mfile.akamai.com/97892/live/reflector:46245.asx?bkup=46260

What's all this waste? It's really happening in real time.
progma137 >>:
а че это за отходы? реально в реальном времени происходит

That's great! If you think about it, it's a 100 percent hit!

I wonder what they're actually singing about... ?

taken from the comments on youtube:

the song is in arabic. whore is translated as my homeland. it's a patriotic palestinian song. the palestinian anthem starts with whore too.


It's not humour anymore. I found this on the same page. It's a great, charming Jewish tune.
"Citizens buy cigarettes.
come the infantry and the sailors..."
(part of the song is in Russian)
The impressionable women here are sure to shed tears... But what can you do...


"Citizens buy cigarettes.
come the infantry and sailors..."
(part of the song is in Russian)

youth :)

And the previous post just confirms it :( You must like hamburgers :)

You'd be better off writing about spreads :(

Mischek: Sergey, would you mind voicing the first clip?

Unfortunately, I'm not good at video editing :) You could mount the sound from the pigsty :)