[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 725



izikel (15:10:11 26/09/2011)

volodya is mad at me(

imhotep (15:10:31 26/09/2011)

forgot *** you drunk man wanted to go for a ride and his jeep overturned 2.5 times

izikel (15:10:51 26/09/2011)

i remember that, why would he be mad at me?


about novice programmers:

Instead of coming to a forum and asking, "Guys, I want my tonsils removed. How?"
It goes, "My hand wouldn't go in my ass. "I made an incision in my asshole, but my hand still won't go further than my elbow. How do I get it deeper?"

And then you wonder why you put your hand up your ass in the first place...



"Dear girl, take that big.........degree in your mouth, and please widen your...... horizons of worldview" =)

S.S. Any resemblance to real persons and events should be considered coincidental.


A cleaner in Germany washed away an installation for 800,000 euros! )))




The Russian Spirit installation at a Christie's auction, a piece of wall vomited with a mixture of vodka, champagne, 'my muther's milk' and Olivier salad, was vandalised with a jet of Hines ketchup left on the work by an unknown vandal.

Police are searching for the culprit. // (c) Se mua

It took me a long time to figure out what it was all about. All advisors, advisors. Robotrading has reached the President http://savepic.net/2161418.htm