[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 644



Without words ...

('Yes, there were people in our time....' - c)



Without words ...

Killed ... :))) ... Bill...


(Photo sketches of the Russian countryside)

"Take the cat, for example...
We are talking about the times when there were no Russian-speaking interviewers in the Israeli military recruitment offices yet, but Russian conscripts were already there. Because most of them spoke poor Hebrew, interviewers often sent them to be checked by so-called "mental health officers" (psychologists and social workers), who checked the inexperienced draftee to make sure he was OK. By the way, the officer of mental health - "ktsin briyut nefesh" - is abbreviated in Hebrew as "boar". Though, of course, it has nothing to do with his professional qualities.
The mental health officer at the military enlistment office usually conducts the standard tests - "draw a person, draw a tree, draw a house". These tests can easily examine the inner world of a future serviceman. The good thing about them is that they are universal and do not depend on language skills. Everyone can draw a house, after all. So they sent another Russian boy to one officer who could not speak Hebrew very well. The officer greeted him, brought a sheet of paper and asked to draw a tree.
The Russian boy was bad at drawing, but he was well-read. He decided to compensate his lack of artistic talent with the amount of details. So he drew an oak tree, a chain on it, and a cat on the chain. You get it, don't you?
The officer of mental health drew the sheet to himself. The leaf showed a booger, not very cleverly hanging from a branch. The booger was using a chain as a rope.
- What is it? - asked the boar affectionately.
The Russian boy strained and began to translate. A cat in Hebrew is 'khatul'. "Scholar" - mad'an, with a Russian accent - "madan". The boy didn't know that in this case the word "scientist" would sound different - the cat is not an employee of the academy of sciences, but simply knows a lot, which means another word is needed. But another didn't work. The boy scratched the back of his head and answered the officer's question:
- Hatul madan.
The officer was an Israeli. So the word combination given meant something like "a cat engaged in scientific activities" to him. Hatul madan. Why a booger hanging from a tree is engaged in scientific activities, and what these scientific activities are, the officer could not understand.
- What does he do? - The officer asked tensely.
(The depiction of suicide in a projective test in general is a very bad sign).
- And it depends when, - the boy was glad of an opportunity to show off his intellect. - If he goes this way (an arrow to the right of the booger appeared), he sings songs. And if it goes this way (the arrow went to the left), it tells tales.
- To whom? - The boar wept.
The boy tried and remembered:
- himself.
At the tales told to himself by the hanged booger, the officer of mental health felt unwell. He scheduled another interview with the boy and let him go home. The picture of the oak tree was left on the table.
When the boy left, the boar called for his secretary - he wanted a fresh perspective on the situation.
The mental health officer's secretary was an intelligent adequate girl. But she too had recently arrived from Russia.
The boss showed her a picture. The girl saw in the picture a tree with carved leaves and an animal like a cat walking on a chain.
- What do you think it is? - The officer asked.
- 'Khatul madan,' replied the secretary.
Hurriedly putting out the girl and drinking cold water, the boar called to the next floor where his young colleague worked. Asked her to come down to consult a complicated case.
- Here," sighed the tired professional. - I have known you for a long time, you are a normal person. Can you please explain to me what is shown here?
The problem is that the colleague was also from Russia...
But here the boar decided not to back down.
- Why? - Quietly but passionately he asked his colleague. - WHY is this - Hatul madan?
- Oh it is so obvious! - She pointed at the drawing. They mean that when he walks to the right, he sings. And when he goes to the left...
I cannot say whether the army psychologist has lost his mind and what diagnosis was given to the boy. But today almost all mental health officers know: if a conscript draws oaks with animals on chains on his test, it means he is from Russia. There, they say, everyone is educated. Even cats."
There will be no advance
So that's what you are :)



Broker's forecast

And they say it is one of the leaders in technical analysis. As much as I've watched it, I've formed the opinion that it will be more profitable to trade the other way round.

Yes and correction. it is not a broker's forecast, it is a forecast of the office with which they seem to have some kind of relationship.


That's not quite right. A little more correct would be:

------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGX59eT4MqU ---- ( Shoigu's driver threatens to kill a motorist )

