[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 208


"...vuvuzelas of homosexuality, looking at the world through their goggle eyes ....." now we'll have chanson in charge of culture, come on, now the kids will learn "eh tail, chishuya ...."


That's right. I was watching a documentary called "Who is Jackson Pollock?" It was about an old lady who bought one of Pollock's paintings at a flea market for $5 not knowing what it was. Then her friends told her what it was. Anyway, they offered her $9 million for the painting and she turned it down. She wants $50 million. And she's scavenging for junk. I recommend you see this movie.


"...vuvuzelas of homosexuality, looking at the world through their goggle eyes ....." blimey, now we'll have chanson running the culture, come on, now the kids will learn "eh tail, chishuya ...."

It's just that the current situation is that we're ruled by gopos.

Sooner or later, his wife is not well.

Sooner or later, my head's messed up,

So what if I got mugged in the front door

You're lucky to be alive!

So what if I have sarcoma,

What's the matter, I'm on a bender,

♪ What's the matter, they kicked me out of the house ♪

¶¶ You're lucky to be alive ¶¶

♪ I don't care if my poker partner's a goner ♪

♪ I don't care if I have a dream at night ♪

♪ I don't care if Sophia got two teeth knocked out ♪

¶¶ You're lucky to be alive ¶¶

I fell asleep in the sawdust last night,

¶ come on, they kicked me in the jaw ¶

Come on - they dragged me on a stretcher, -

¶ say thank you for being alive ¶

♪ Yes, that's true, he who wills, he who cans ♪

Yes, it's true - I'm guilty, God be with me,

Yes, it's true - but there's one thing that worries me:

Who's to thank for being alive!

В. Vysotsky, 1969.


For traders. Information for thought.


For traders. Information for thought.

Please send me the link to the Murray levels indicator

(P.S. I like the comments.)


There is no link. All I have is an exe file with comments like this. - See in the download. It works very well for Euro-dollar.

(It also works fine on SB sugar and RTS, ticker RIU0)


For traders. Information for thought.



There is no link. All I have is an exe file with comments like this. - See in the download. It works very good on Euro-dollar.

(It also works well on SB sugar and RTS, ticker RIU0)


Yeah, no life without ATS :)