[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 134


........ "Guys, I want to wish my boyfriend a Happy Valentine's Day!
Is there any way you could take the glass off and put a rug in the back?"

.... "done"

....." happy valentine's day" where do we write?





A search on Lego Mindstorm will bring you lots of awesome Lego-based projects - various robots, a rubik's cube builder, a paper Sudoku solver, etc.



Andrei01, psychology is a science. It is made into pseudoscience by scoundrels like self-appointed healers, clairvoyants, sorcerers and other impurities. This includes some university teachers. Unfortunately there is no video, but it is worth believing, I myself have seen and heard the nonsense they tell students.

Richie , for your information a bit of common knowledge facts from Wiki:


" The object of psychology.

There are many different perspectives on what psychology studies. Psychology has to answer the question of why a person (or any other medium of the psyche) behaves in one way or another."

So you will claim that psychology really and truly answers this question? So maybe teachers have nothing to do with it, because there is no subject that can be taught in an adequate way?


04.06.2010 12:30 gmt, Number of new jobs created in non-farm payrolls (May) - 290 K - 514 K (C)



Second place in the rankings, wow...


Richie , for your information a little common knowledge fact from Wiki:


" The object of psychology

There are many different perspectives on what psychology studies. Psychology must answer the question of why a person (or any other medium of the psyche) behaves in one way or another".

So you're going to claim that psychology really and truly answers this question? So maybe teachers have nothing to do with it, because there is no subject that can be taught adequately?

Andrei01, I know what psychology is very well. I learned the term in my first class at university, and that was about ten years ago. Of course, this science is not an exact science, with all the consequences it entails.

By way of comparison I will give you an example - the science of "ecology". Ecology, like psychology, arose out of other sciences: medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, geography, history and so on. Are there many good ecologists in our country? Few. What can they do? Almost nothing, if you don't count gumshoeing and picketing of various objects.

Another example is trading. Trading is also a science, a science based on: mathematics, programming, psychology, economics, history, etc. Are there a lot of good traders? Also not many. But how many teachers remind psychology :)

Unfortunately, psychology is unable to answer many questions and as a subject it is not quite full-fledged yet.

If I give you this credit, you will eventually graduate and become engineers. If I don't, you'll join the army and defend me. I don't know which is worse...

From memories from the campground:

Lana00: I hid her clothes from her when she was swimming naked again.
Lana00: And called the boys to the shore
Lana00: So this scum went out naked, refused to "put a jacket on" and so quietly walked away through the whole base to the lodge and even on the way smoked
Lana00: In general, I messed up. The next day all the guys were hers altogether.