NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 20

By the way, that miro that looks like butter tastes like apples. Have you ever seen butter made from apples?

Has anyone ever seen olive oil, only as hard as butter? I have. Haven't seen apple butter though.............

The Taoists see the practical aim of their path as being metering-free. Not of humanity, but of man. And not in figurative, but in the truest sense of the word. But about immortality of the material body of man it is not so, of course. :-)

Well it is clear. There is immortality of man anyway, no matter, what you do while living, whether you are Christian, Daoist, Buddhist or ardent materialist. The main issue that all serious spiritual practitioners have to deal with is to realise this immortality.
A fresh apple contains up to 83% water, 13.8% nitrogen-free extract, 0.4% protein, жира - 0,2, 1.3% fibre

0.2% is not so low that you can't get it out of an apple. Two grams of oil from a kilo of apples.

And apple-scented essential oil - as much as you like.

komposter wrote (a):
how do you live with that worldview?
Is it okay if I answer? Life is good. I would even say very well.
I am sincerely happy for you. There are no more questions.


You've got me a little wrong. LIFE does not mean my life, but the life of people - our descendants, those who have just been born or are yet to be born. LIFE is worth living for, to protect it, to try to keep love and joy alive in people's hearts. And my position is not to kill, but to protect. I do not allow evil to do this.

After reading this post, my impression has not changed.
A bright future, the fight against evil, unhappy descendants...


Or do you think there is no need to protect yourself? Just watch how they came and burned people during the war, watch the scum rape a pregnant woman. And do nothing, live one day "now" and then the flood?

I believe that until we (specifically me) stop looking for "evil" in the world around us, it will not go anywhere.
It will be possible to fight it, and "evil" will be real. ...


Then I take back your question, how do you live with that mindset?

I am living a wonderful life.
I have thought many times whether I am not lying to myself in answering this question. I realized that no, I am not.

Last night I had a (mentally) very meaningful monologue, maybe 15 pages long. If I could only extract a few lines from it now...
In the meantime, please take my happy life as a given ;)


I live with my worldview, I do not know if it is good or bad.

If you ask a man "Do you love?" he'll answer without hesitation. If he does.
If he hesitates for a second, it means that something is wrong. He might love, but it is not the love that was asked (and he knows it).

With happiness, it's roughly the same picture. You wouldn't answer "I don't know" if you were living well.
Yes, there are many positive things, yes, there is joy, yes, there is purpose.
But at the head of everything is "I don't know".


but life (reality) leaves no other choice.

About the choice, that there is always a choice, and that there are many more options than you can see at first glance, I'd rather keep silent...


But I do not trade it (my worldview) for something that follows me, even if it is a flood.

Is anyone suggesting it? ;)
Who? Me? Yurixx? SK?

Can I have a quote?
Yurixx писал (а): ..Have you ever seen apple butter?
Just for the record, we have apple butter "Forbidden Fruit", produced by ASVOMED.
"Food with the addition of apple butter ... refreshing effect on the brain, increases its efficiency.
The apple smell is invigorating, improves mood, cheerful, especially useful for nervous disorders and compulsive states."
"Food with apple butter...has a refreshing effect on the brain and increases its efficiency.
The apple smell is invigorating, mood-enhancing, cheerful, especially useful for nervous disorders and compulsions."

Take twice a day in large doses - before and after intraday trading :)

I did not ask for an explanation. I asked for an example of the immaterial. Unfortunately, so far I have not received any response from you and timbo. So maybe that's why you are such convinced supporters of materialism, that "immaterial" is connected for you with absolutely unclear concept "God"? That's why the concept of "eternal life" remains empty, unfilled with any meaning. In contrast, matter can be seen and even felt.

And I told you that I can, and a lot of it. A radio engineer by profession. And your examples are understandable to me, maybe not entirely successful. Let's take a better one - intangible. The speed of phase, far exceeds the speed of light and it is due to the fact that no matter is transferred,information is transferred. So what of it, is it a manifestation of the "Universal Mind"? Where is he "God" there in radio waves, or in an electron, a quark ?

The hypothesis of the origin of the universe, yes there is one. Maybe someday people will be able to find an answer to this question. And the answer will not necessarily be what you say or suggest to choose from options.

I didn't say the answers. I shared my opinion. On the contrary, I said that all this is a reason for reflection, as deep as one's abilities allow. First of all spiritual, then intellectual. So, share your answer, offer your variants.

And about the phase, that's great! That's right to the point! And the highlighted three words are the essence of everything we are talking about. It is information that is the only essentially non-material phenomenon. And you are absolutely right - all informational processes are to some extent connected, are manifestations, reflect aspects of the Universal Mind. If you take such a primitive example, you do not belittle in any way the scale of the Universal Mind. You simply show your own scale of vision of these processes.

When a man has understood the essence and the role of Information, the last step is to decide whether Information is attached to its material carrier or it can exist without it. If it can exist without it and therefore before any matter, this is idealism. If it is bound and does not exist without a carrier, then another question arises - where does it come from in the material world. Let us leave human activity alone at once. Human consciousness is the most complex, the most grandiose and the most structured of all information known to us. And before man somehow modulates a wave, or writes a file to disk, his own consciousness must arise. So it turns out that information appears in the material world before man. Where does it come from?


You once asked what is more constructive "Question of the question: what is more constructive in terms of human life, to believe that He exists, or not?" I think it's more constructive that He doesn't exist. But if you take the other side, it works out.

  1. We need to stop reinventing the wheel. And try to find a channel (connection) with the "Idea that exists before the matter and carries all the information". And by connecting to this source of information, get answers to all questions.
  2. To recognize that there is "Eternal Life". And then if someone blows our globe to hell, no big deal. We're part of that whole and we're not going anywhere
  3. .

1. And again, great! We should open ourselves to the Universal Mind and then the process of knowledge will rise to a totally new level.

Sergei, do you think your sarcasm is an argument? You say deep, meaningful things, but you don't believe it and don't understand it. Maybe it's your sneering that's bothering you?

I used to do science, specifically quantum mechanics of molecules, for quite a long time. And since I was a student I believed that science "will save the world", that the scientific (otherwise rational) way of knowledge is the only real, valid, true way of knowing the world. He understood that it is infinite, but believed it would be an asymptotic approximation to the truth.

And then, as a result of a change of outlook, I realized that, apart from the rational, there is an irrational way of cognition. The way of touching the truth directly. Illumination, enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it, is the moment when one opens oneself to the subtle planes and receives the direct knowledge. It is not expressed by equations, formulas, or diagrams. It is only afterwards a person reflects it according to his talent in theories, pictures, music, books... That is the source of genius, not something else. On that path, I have since learned many different things, I have received answers to many questions. Can you imagine how I feel when I read books and other people's opinions and answers. Isn't that objectivity?

Herein lies the answer to the bicycle. You have to invent, especially if you want to make your life more comfortable. But don't get attached to it. It will all fade away and become unnecessary, just like the body after death. And you should not think: "I invented it. I did it ! Я! Я! Me!" It is far more important to open oneself to the Source of Knowledge than to adapt what one has received to one's temporal, utilitarian needs. Needs will go away, but Knowledge never will.

And getting "all the answers" won't work either. It is not easy to open up, especially for a social, cultured, educated person. To do this, one must be able to abandon all the stereotypes, prejudices, delusions and illusions accepted by oneself and society. By opening up one gets a small crack, a thin channel. Receiving through it, realizing what he has received and using it in his life, a person develops (again it is development!). And if he moves in the right direction, he can open up even more. Then deeper questions and higher answers will come.

2. You don't have to admit that there is eternal life. That acknowledgement will not change anything in your future. Just live according to life-affirming principles, maintain those principles around you and the time will come when there will be none left wanting to bang our globe. That is what human morality is all about.



What if the idealists are wrong ? What if with the death of the last man, intelligent life in the universe dies as well ? Will that last drop of consciousness in this dead matter disappear ?

This is equivalent to saying that the emergence of mind in the universe is an accident. Do you really think so?


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all(on us), gentlemen!

Good luck and Merry Christmas to all.

That's Energy!
What a Mind ! - With intelligence and love of life !
No offence, but the rest of the participants in this thread, personally, made me deathly bored. What you were saying is that normal people understood long ago, were horrified,
and went back to their normal lives...
It's possible, of course, that I drank more than usual on Friday....

A thinking person does not need a lot of facts, he just needs one meaningful fact. I have given him one. If you don't have the heart to look on the internet and find relevant evidence, that's your problem. If you need more proof, that's your problem too. And if you don't need anything at all, that's definitely your problem.

I have been asking for meaningful facts for a long time, for only they can be verified and attempted to explain. But so far only abstract talk about the "source" of information and the life that is.
Do you consider the myrrh to be a miracle? Sent me to the internet? Please: - just below the top of the page. Turns out Peter the Great was also surprised by oil tubes. - the priest is, to put it mildly, shocked by the excessive myrrh flow

Can I ask for links to laboratory studies of a "substance unknown to science"?
It's just like a holiday! Miro is having a blast! -
But in general it is interesting that vibhuti in photos and objects can materialise in different colours, and can fall straight out of the TV where there is a film about Sai.