Why do many traders lose? - page 4

it does not serve the same function it is the exact opposite a start win in stead of stop loss.
Marco vd Heijden:
it does not serve the same function it is the exact opposite a start win in stead of stop loss.
As it is intended to not give money you win in trades back to the market, as is a stop loss (conventionally accepted one), I am apparently not understanding how they do not serve the same function.  They do their job differently, yes, but it is the same concept.

how can it be the same concept?

where is the loss in profit?

1. you enter the market and your stop loss get's triggered, bye bye, in this case you can speak of loss.

2. you enter the market and exit a profit, where exactly is the word loss in this case, and how can it be the same concept?

They do their job differently yes but it's not even close to the same concept.

You have to loose in order to win but when you exit a profit, there is no loss.


For hedging, as an example, and I am not an expert at it, but my understanding anyway, you have 2 potential trades set up at either side of a current price.  When one gets triggered, the other gets canceled and you would go with the one in the direction you want to trade.  It is not a stop loss in the conventional sense, but it is a sort of insurance policy because if you only went with one side of the potential price move, then you could possibly lose everything you spent on that trade.  Taking the opposite side prevents that from possibly happening, which prevents you giving back money you earned on the markets already and a possibility to get money because either way the price moves, you are entering a trade that is (hopefully) going to make you money.

That helps prevent you giving that trade money back to the market, which is what a conventional stop loss is there for.  And THAT is why it is the same concept.


ok so you used the word hope again, so i will do the same.

i hope you will figure it out someday.

there is no hope, no hopefully, there is no loss, there is only MATH and profit.

you know you are going to profit, you know you are not going to loose, you do not hope, for there is no need to, since you already know the outcome, the only thing you do not know, is how much you will profit.

however even this can be estimated.

but why bother ?

how can you even label something as 'same concept' if you do not have a clear understanding about the mechanics behind it?

that makes no sense.

Marco vd Heijden:

ok so you used the word hope again, so i will do the same.

i hope you will figure it out someday.

there is no hope, no hopefully, there is no loss, there is only MATH and profit.

you know you are going to profit, you know you are not going to loose, you do not hope, for there is no need to, since you already know the outcome, the only thing you do not know, is how much you will profit.

however even this can be estimated.

but why bother ?

how can you even label something as 'same concept' if you do not have a clear understanding about the mechanics behind it?

that makes no sense.

And that, again, as I have said in at least one other thread, covers your particular trading style.  Not everybody else has it figured out to the detail level as you do.  A concept is specifically an idea, not the mechanics of what makes it work.  The mechanics are not what makes a concept or thought process the same or similar as something else.  When the intent is, for an example, to get across a country, you could use a car, a plane, a train, even a bicycle, those are the mechanical ways, different concrete ways you could get across the country, but the concept of getting across the country is still the same.
Traders must accept lose to learn. And then they will make profit in future.
Widy Prasetyo:

No trading skill.....

Don't know when the right situation to enter and exit market.

yes you are right widy
They want to be rich soon by subscribing to high growth signal and then lose all.
Don't have trading system...that is all!