Questions on OOP in MQL5 - page 22

Vladimir Simakov:

1. new operator returns a pointer, of course, developers made a mess with implicit dereferencing, so your version works, but it's better not to get hung up on undocumented things.

2. Of course, we don't have C++, but it's very similar, so initialization lists (I don't know about efficiency) are kosher.

Checked, yes your option works, and logically it's more correct:

interface IStrategy
   void Algorithm()  { Print("Это не должно вызываться!!!"); }
class Strategy_1 : public IStrategy
                     Strategy_1()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
class Strategy_2 : public IStrategy
                     Strategy_2()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
class Context
   IStrategy         *s;
                     Context(IStrategy *_strategy) { Print(__FUNCTION__); s = _strategy;              }
                    ~Context()                     { delete s;                                        }
   void              GetStrategy()                 { s.Algorithm();                                   }
Context c1(new Strategy_1);
Context c2(new Strategy_2);
void OnStart()

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Strategy_1::Strategy_1

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Context::Context

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Strategy_2::Strategy_2

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Context::Context

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Strategy_1::Algorithm

2019.08.31 22:07:35.196 tst (EURUSD,H1) Strategy_2::Algorithm

2019.08.31 22:07:35.197 tst (EURUSD,H1) Strategy_1::Algorithm

The pointer and the object created at initialization were not lost, and the method in the interface did not substitute the methods of the classes 1 and 2 - everything seems to work as planned


How can I avoid repetitive code sections during initialisation? - in the constructor you cannot

class MyClass
      MyClass()         {Print("Create MyClass");}

interface IStrategy
   void Algorithm()  { Print("Это не должно вызываться!!!"); }
class Strategy_1 : public IStrategy
  MyClass   *m;
                     Strategy_1()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { if(m==NULL) m = new MyClass; else { } } 
class Strategy_2 : public IStrategy
  MyClass   *m;
                     Strategy_2()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { if(m==NULL) m = new MyClass; else { } }
class Context
   IStrategy         *s;
                     Context(IStrategy *_strategy) { Print(__FUNCTION__); s = _strategy;              }
                    ~Context()                     { delete s;                                        }
   void              GetStrategy()                 { s.Algorithm();                                   }
Context c1(new Strategy_1);
Context c2(new Strategy_2);
void OnStart()
Igor Makanu:

How can I avoid repetitive code sections during initialisation? - in the constructor, you can't

Instead of interface you make an ordinary class. You put *m there and make a bool SomeMethod {if(CheckPointer(m)) return false; m=new...; return true;}
In Algoritm if (SomeMethod()) ...
Vladimir Simakov:
Instead of interface, you make a regular class. There you put *m and make method bool SomeMethod {if (CheckPointer(m)) return false; m=new...; return true;}
In Algoritm if (SomeMethod()) ...

No, I need the interfes - it's very cool that I won't need to pull everything at every tick - I'll make one call of one strategy per one tick - in general I like config of all this so far, it seems it was necessary to solve my problem this way:

class MyClass
      MyClass()         {Print("Create MyClass");}

interface IStrategy
   void Algorithm()  { Print("Это не должно вызываться!!!"); }
class CStrategy : public IStrategy
   MyClass  *m;
   void Init()   {  m=new MyClass; }
class Strategy_1 : public CStrategy
                     Strategy_1()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { if(m==NULL) Init(); else { } } 
class Strategy_2 : public CStrategy
                     Strategy_2()   { Print(__FUNCTION__); }
   void              Algorithm()    { if(m==NULL) Init(); else { } }
class Context
   IStrategy         *s;
                     Context(IStrategy *_strategy) { Print(__FUNCTION__); s = _strategy;              }
                    ~Context()                     { delete s;                                        }
   void              GetStrategy()                 { s.Algorithm();                                   }
Context c1(new Strategy_1);
Context c2(new Strategy_2);
void OnStart()

I tweaked my example a bit - it works, but it should look like this:

interface IStrategy
{  void Algorithm()                 {Print("Это не должно запускаться!!!"); } };
class CStrategy : public IStrategy
   int x;
   virtual void Algorithm()         {Print("Это не должно запускаться!!!"); } };
class CStrategy_01:public CStrategy
   CStrategy_01()                   {Print(__FUNCTION__);  x = 01;         }
   void Algorithm()                 {Print(__FUNCTION__,", x = ",x);       } };
class CStrategy_02:public CStrategy
   CStrategy_02()                   {Print(__FUNCTION__);   x = 02;        }
   void Algorithm()                 {Print(__FUNCTION__,", x = ",x);       } };
class Context
   IStrategy         *s;
   Context(IStrategy *_strategy)    { Print(__FUNCTION__); s = _strategy;  }
   ~Context()                       { delete s;                            }
   void              GetStrategy()  { s.Algorithm();                       } };
Context c1(new CStrategy_01);
Context c2(new CStrategy_02);
void OnStart()
{  c1.GetStrategy();
   c2.GetStrategy(); }

0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: CStrategy_01::CStrategy_01 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: Context::Context 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: CStrategy_02::CStrategy_02 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: Context::Context 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: initialized 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: CStrategy_01::Algorithm, x = 1 0 15:57:17.100 tst EURUSD,H1: CStrategy_02::Algorithm, x = 2

but if I remove the body of theCStrategy::Algorithm(void) method, there will be an error: 'Algorithm' -the function must have a body

Why is it an error? - because I declare the CStrategy::Algorithm(void) method with the modifier virtual

Igor Makanu:

I tweaked my example a bit - it works, but it should look like this:

but if I remove the body of the CStrategy::Algorithm(void) method, there will be an error: 'Algorithm' - the function must have a body

Why is it an error? - because I declare the CStrategy::Algorithm(void) method with the modifier virtual

An abstract method must be implemented in the descendants. Once again, there is no need for interface here.
virtual void Algoritm()=0;
Try this.
Vladimir Simakov:
virtual void Algoritm()=0;
Try this.
No, that won't work either. If you declare an abstraction, be kind enough to implement it.
Vladimir Simakov:
No, that won't work either. If you declare an abstraction, be kind enough to implement it.

I think the compiler perceives the Algorithm() method from the interface and the declared virtual void Algorithm() as different methods because of the virtual modifier

Vladimir Simakov:
An abstract method must be implemented in descendants. Once again, there's no need to implement it.

I need interfaces because it is convenient for me to declare different behaviour for 6 strategies depending on Expert Advisor settings (there are not so many strategies but order systems)

right now:

class CGrid {
   int               StrategyCount;
   IStrategy         *Strategy[];
   CGrid(int eamagicnumber, SSettingsForOrder &settingstrategy[]);
   ~CGrid(); };
void CGrid::CGrid(int eamagicnumber, SSettingsForOrder &settingstrategy[]) {
   StrategyCount = ArraySize(settingstrategy);
   ArrayResize(Strategy, StrategyCount);
   for(int i = 0; i < StrategyCount; i++) {
      settingstrategy[i].magicnumber = i+eamagicnumber;
      switch(settingstrategy[i].dealtype) {
      case NONE                  :  Strategy[i] = new CNONE(settingstrategy[i]);                   break;
      case BUY                   :  Strategy[i] = new CBUY(settingstrategy[i]);                    break;
      case ReOpenBUY             :  Strategy[i] = new CReOpenBUY(settingstrategy[i]);              break;
      case ReversBUYToSellOnly   :  Strategy[i] = new CReversBUYToSellOnly(settingstrategy[i]);    break;
      case ReversBUYAlwaysRevers :  Strategy[i] = new CReversBUYAlwaysRevers(settingstrategy[i]);  break;
      case SELL                  :  Strategy[i] = new CSELL(settingstrategy[i]);                   break;
      case ReOpenSELL            :  Strategy[i] = new CReOpenSELL(settingstrategy[i]);             break;
      case ReversSELLToBuyOnly   :  Strategy[i] = new CReversSELLToBuyOnly(settingstrategy[i]);    break;
      case ReversSELLAlwaysRevers:  Strategy[i] = new CReversSELLAlwaysRevers(settingstrategy[i]); break; } } }

I want to minimize the body of Algorithm() methods - if I write the base class correctly - in my example, class CStrategy, then the Algorithm() itself will contain 5-10 lines at most

How should I write this code without an interface? - Now everything is brief and there will only be left to pull the algorithms themselves strategies every tick or less frequently


как этот код без интерфейса написать? - сейчас все кратко и останется только дергать сами алгоритмы стратегий каждый тик или реже

I'll show you tonight. I'm on my phone right now.