The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 32

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

I have to admit I am wrong about this thread only discussing the fate of the dollar.
Indeed, this thread is devoted, in principle, to the fate of all world currencies in connection with the "demise of the dollar".
So yes, we can discuss the fate of Russia and its national currency.

Get on with it.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

I have to admit I am wrong about this thread only discussing the fate of the dollar.
Indeed, the thread is devoted, in principle, to the fate of all world currencies in relation to the "demise of the dollar".
So yes, we can discuss the fate of Russia and its national currency.

And in that case, I express my opinion that in the long term, the Russian rouble will strengthen, albeit with setbacks.
We are used to not trusting the ruble. But don't the recent trends in the Russian economy give us a perspective?
I do not think that all is bad in Russia.
In recent years Russia has made a significant contribution to the formation of a polycentric world order, and its current role is characterised by a return to 'global politics', the economy and finance as an active and fully fledged player, and a desire to make up for lost ground in the international arena. At the same time, as follows from the key provisions of the updated foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation - "Russia is fully aware of its special responsibility for maintaining security in the world, both globally and regionally, and aims to act jointly with all interested states to address common challenges".

These are all empty words.

What economic indicators and indicators specifically characterise these "recent trends in the Russian economy"?

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Express your disagreement. Provide figures.

I wrote above. I can't disagree because I can't see your position at all - no figures, no indicators, no indicators.


I have written above. I can't disagree because I can't see your position at all - no figures, no indicators, no indicators.

I see. You only want numbers.
But why don't you check out the discussions of those who are directly involved in addressing this issue.
Here are at least a couple of such resources:
No need to think like a speculator. Try to look beyond that (as an investor).
Russia, like other emerging markets in the BRICS bloc, draws good opportunities for investors and start-ups in the long term.
Maksim Dlugoborskiy:
I see. You only want numbers.
But why don't you read the discussions of those directly involved in the issue.
Here are at least a couple of such resources:
No need to think like a speculator. Try to look beyond that (as an investor).
Russia, like other emerging markets in the BRICS bloc, draws good opportunities for investors and start-ups in the long term.

These are all empty words. There are no encouraging trends.

And if a country is fighting two wars at the same time, it's not good for the economy.


Investors' views are expressed by figures and indicators - in the first four months of 2017, net capital outflows from the country more than doubled compared to last year. 21bn versus 9.8


These are all empty words. There are no encouraging trends.


Picture from here.

Interesting table, a comparison of the first two halves of 2015-2016.

Промышленность России — Русский эксперт
Промышленность России — Русский эксперт
Устаревшая статья Эта статья или некоторая содержащаяся в ней информация устарела и её нужно обновить или дополнить актуальными на данный момент времени данными. Промышленность России представлена множеством отраслей и предприятий. Россия является одной из главных промышленных держав мира и одной из немногих стран, способных производить...
Andrew Petras:

The picture is from here.

Interesting chart, comparing the first two halves of 2015-2016.

I strongly disagree about "Putin's reforms" - the reforms started by Gaidar and his team were in place until 2009. Now they have exhausted themselves.

By the way, the graph shows it perfectly - Gaidar reforms and oil prices

Andrew Petras:

The picture is from here.

Interesting table, a comparison of the first two halves of 2015-2016.

It's a totally unrealistic picture.

Yes, and the caption is "liberal reforms". There were no reforms then. The price of freeing the country from oppression by the communist regime.


These are all empty words. There are no encouraging trends.

And if a country is fighting two wars at the same time, it is not good for the economy.

Already you have a discrepancy.
Russia is not fighting a war. Our forces are legally present in Syria, which is not the case with our Western partners.

And during the fight against terrorist organizations many types of equipment and weapons have been tested in real actions.
Machines and weapons made by our military industry have demonstrated their reliability and effectiveness to the entire world. Those wishing to buy our military and civilian hardware have come forward.
Multibillion contracts are being prepared for signing.
There is no downtime at the shipyards. Ships are being built one after another. New types of medium- and long-haul airliners are appearing.
Unemployment is low. Relatively low inflation.
And what second war are you talking about?
If you are talking about Ukraine, we are not at war there. The corrupt, rotten government in Kiev is waging a war against its own citizens.

Of course, not everything is going smoothly. We're moving with a bang. But there are results.
An anti-corruption campaign is under way. It may not be the most effective. But how many rats have been caught! We are already counting in the thousands! Deputies, governors, other officials... Have you ever seen anything like this before?
Besides, we're not descending to the level of European countries. We are not destroying ourselves from within.
Russia is adhering to the legal side of resolving all issues. And we openly call upon all the countries to do this.
And despite the sanctions imposed by some governments, businesses from these same countries are taking an active part in dialogues with Russia at various discussion platforms.
Incidentally, the largest number of participants from abroad was from American business.
Have faith in your country. And you will be rewarded. You may not even realise yet to the full extent how happy you are as people living in Russia.
But fortunately already in your lifetime you will manage to feel the prosperity of your country.
Gradually, macrostatistics will give you confidence in the future.

For a while, the devaluation of the Rouble will play into the favour of economic growth, but against the wallets of the citizens. The central bank is trying to maintain a reasonable balance between these interests.
My personal view: the devaluation of the rouble plays into the hands of exporters as long as they are forced to buy the rouble for the currency they received for the sale of their goods. But the trend is that we will be paying for our goods in roubles and there will be no need for rouble devaluation. This will lead to a strengthening of the national currency. Exporters will not have to buy roubles for the proceeds in order to get their money back into the business cycle.
That is why we can (and already seem to) make payments in national currency with some countries, in particular the BRICS countries.
Remember what happened to Gaddafi and Hussein, when they were willing to pay in Euros for their hydrocarbons, not dollars. In the case of Russia, China, etc. this will not be the case. We have unshakable sovereignty. This has been difficult to achieve on our own. But by creating an economic bloc independent of the United States and Europe, it works.

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