FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 251

Speculator, have you seen Babai?))
clowns ))))
clowns ))))

Hello, O Master)

(chanting about cd's))


Hello, O Master)

Talk about CDs)

no time at all....
no time at all....

How come there's no time for us?(

I've started buying up lune, 26, 2541, I'll look at another level tomorrow, bless the Great One!


Fucking look out for them...


Levels on the previous low, cool.

I was the one who started buying to go to 1.10, clever.


4675 on sticks pound

(Stops?) are being fixed little by little:

Ilya, think about it, how can stops be fixed?

In what cases does the price go to the bid and who and why could put those bids there?


the harrier punished once? will punish again...

the sticks do not lie!!!

Never been "punished" on any instrument, I closed my pound purchases with a loss because I couldn't close in time.


Why the stops? Maybe the purchases are being discounted? I'm telling you, TP 4675 on the sticks...

that's the buyers' stops:

Are you asking me? I'm not a reference)


Never been "punished" on any instrument, I closed the pound purchases with a loss because I could not close in time.

i wonder if the pound will close below yesterday's close today?

Or will they postpone the high to tomorrow?


At 48, you ordered - sign here.

The value of June futures for North Sea Brent crude oil on the ICE exchange exceeded $48 on Thursday evening

Read more on RBC:
Цена нефти марки Brent превысила $48
Цена нефти марки Brent превысила $48
Цена на нефть марки Brent достигла в четверг, 28 апреля, отметки $48 за баррель, свидетельствуют данные биржи ICE Futures Europe. В 20:47 мск июньский фьючерс стоил $48,06. Несколько минут спустя стоимость барреля Brent отскочила до отметки ниже $48, а в 20:50 вновь пошла вверх. Стоимость нефти WTI на торгах в Нью-Йорке также выросла в четверг...
Oh, hello everyone!!! You're having fun again)