FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 58

Hi, what are you looking for? // it's all a lot of stuff (
about the astral (not to be confused with austral) sorcerer asked )))))

teach me how to go peek-a-boo...

I read about the extremes today...

it's beyond the process..... (10 years of training...), the end of the pulse.... and there is no pip in pip - the stop is 30 pips.
the wizard asked about the astral (not to be confused with austral) )))))
I don't think we can get there...
But what's in there? I'm curious... what do you see there?
Or is it different every time?
Tomorrow (Saturday) we will find out if the predictions from the two participants for this week have come true.
Hey, what are you looking for? // it's all too much (




disk on yen 118 ))))

Karputov Vladimir:
Tomorrow (Saturday) we will find out if the predictions from the two participants for this week have come true.
There's nothing to guess)))) up the channel is not broken - I'm out))))) I underestimated the strength of the bulls, they chickened out((
I don't think we'll be able to get there...
But what's in there? I'm curious... what do you see there?
Or is it different every time?
if you have a will it will work, not there but "here and now" it will come to you if you are not busy ((( and talking (((( (the thought process must stand)
Artem Sidorov:
There is nothing to guess)))) up the channel did not break - I'm out))))) I underestimated the strength of the bulls, they chickened out((
No one was chicken. The pound ran off with a bang.... There was essentially no movement yet.
Gentlemen, a wedge is closing on the pound, which may end in a mega-break for short buyers. My target for shorts was outlined yesterday - 42155, actually, it is a new support, but if we go up from the wedge, it should be good, then the wedge will be big and meaty)))!