FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 287

Take it, the spaniels are selling it all the time.)
another one for 7240, might catch on.
Eh, I've seen half the world, but I've never been to the Volga. I'll come and die)
I've seen half the world, but I've never been to the Volga.)
And there's not much to be lost there, I tell you.
I do not know. But something will happen.

Two days' report.

All is quiet at work, Ahmet has gone to his homeland to count sheep (no one can be trusted these days). Threatened on arrival to turn off the Internet (fed up with these Internetchik after all!) - Monday means and we'll see. Lyuzikova swept the MUP (drank with the driver red). Now the trade.

Yesterday I sold 35 pips for the pound and today I bought 29 pips for the euro. (but there will be something.)

another one at 7240, maybe it'll catch on.
you tell me the stops. it's not interesting. or Kolyan's level.
You tell me the stops. It's not interesting. Or Kolyan's level.
7180, do you think the Audi will go straight down?
Brother, I don't have any of my clever gadgets. It's a year down. What do you want?

Two days' report.

All is quiet at work, Ahmet has gone to his homeland to count sheep (no one can be trusted these days). Threatened on arrival to turn off the Internet (fed up with these Internetchik after all!) - Monday means and we'll see. Lyuzikova swept the MUP (drank with the driver red). Now the trade.

Yesterday I sold 35 pips for the pound and today I bought 29 pips for the euro. (I do not know what will happen next.)

Well done, the main thing is done))))
Bro, I ain't got no smart-ass gadgets. It's been a year down. What do you want?
Well, he wants the money, but he's a little short, 7,180.
Bro, I don't have any of my smart-ass gadgets. It's been a down year. What do you want?
So you're an Audi salesman?