FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1776

I say. Let them enlighten themselves, I don't mind, but I'm off for a coffee and a smoke.
I didn't expect any other answer from you, Vasya! Go have a cup of instant coffee and take a cigarette out of the ashtray. But I have a favor to ask, Vasya - if you have nothing to say - keep quiet, don't make yourself feel too expensive and don't increase the number of messages, right? We know how much you're worth in reality and all your "knowledge" - I wouldn't give a penny.

I'll quit, you'll get bored to death! Even though you're a bunch of jerks, I'll miss you.
I didn't expect any other answer from you, Vasya! Go have an instant coffee and take a cigarette out of the ashtray. I have a favor to ask, Vasya. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything and don't increase your price and the number of posts, right? We know how much you are worth in reality and all your "knowledge" - I wouldn't give a penny

The steer is fat.

Thank you

Speaking of instant coffee. About a month ago the bastards raised the price by half on average, now a 100g can of Nescafe costs $2.8-3$, while nearby, in Poland, a 200g can costs $2-2.5/.

So we are ahead of Europe!!!


That's a fat bull.

Thank you

As they say - what's rich

and you're only rich in verbal defecation, you're not good enough.
As they say - what's rich

and you're only rich in verbal defecation, not much else.

I finished the coffee part for you there.)

What's rich, Master


I finished the coffee part for you there.)

What's rich, Master

That's OK - here even in terms of roubles - it's gone up 10 times

Now if they raise the customs - so will the puerh and the tag... and so will coffee - those bastards. Never mind - we're rich - we're used to it.
How much you've eaten, it makes your eyes pop open
Alexey Busygin:
How much you've been cramming, it makes my eyes pop open.
Lesha, it's your brother getting hysterical again))))
Alexey Busygin:
You're cramming so much it's hard to keep your eyes open.
Who knows - maybe I'll leave you behind soon - it'll be easier - three pages a week - and you'll live in peace
Lesha, your brother is hysterical here again))))
I can't stand it when they smear my name! And people like that... who are lousy themselves and drag others into the mud.

I told you, who else but me can do it? Can't you learn anything at least?

You're all, "Huh? What? Buyer, seller... bought it, sold it... at 10... at 20... supply... demand... go learn" - verbal diarrhea in general - incoherent nonsense
Who knows, maybe I'll leave you behind soon - it'll be easier - three pages a week - and you'll live in peace.
Don't get me started on the sad stuff, I mean it in good faith. While I read it, there were so many questions, and when finished, all questions have been forgotten.