FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1926


Tell us about the definition of the trading range in a concise and practical way. Please, do not sit on the info. The rules of the game will change with the new world order, but the eternal truths will never change:

"For we bring nothing with us into the world, nor can we carry anything away."

1 Timothy 6:7:©

1-е послание Тимофею 6:7
1-е послание Тимофею 6:7
1-е послание Тимофею 6:7 – Ибо мы ничего не принесли в мир; явно, что ничего не можем и вынести из него. Первое послание к Тимофею святого апостола Павла, синодальная Библия.
Alexey Busygin:
Do you think he'll be supportive?
maybe pick up the debt for 9988?

Tell us about the definition of the trading range in a concise and practical way. Please, do not sit on the info. The rules of the game will change with the new world order, but the eternal truths will never change:

"For we bring nothing with us into the world, nor can we carry anything away."

1 Timothy 6:7:©

Have you read the new Russian translation of the Bible?
how about picking up the debt on 9988?
At the start of the move?

Ilya, how would you define standard rails , and TakeProfit

the subtleties are in the different possible definitions of the characteristic:

  • The offset between the closing and opening prices of the bars in the pattern. 0.1 = 10% of pattern value.
  • is the relative size of the pattern. The smaller the value, the smaller candlestick sizes in the pattern will be included in the search.
  • "big body"

tests show that it can take years for some rail definitions ... this is not cool

Alexey Busygin:
Have you read the new Russian translation of the Bible?
The one written for those descended from apes?

Ilya, how would you define standard rails , and TakeProfit

the subtleties consist of different possible definitions of the characteristic:

  • The offset between the closing and opening prices of the bars in the pattern. 0.1 = 10% of pattern value.
  • is the relative size of the pattern. The smaller the value, the smaller candlestick sizes in the pattern will be included in the search.
  • "big body"

tests show that it can take years for some rail definitions ... this is not cool

I don't think you will have to wait years, the margin call will come much sooner.
Alexey Busygin:
At the start of the drive?
maybe on the test?

don't get your head in a bunch of bullshit...

Paco has given a link to the turkey, to the parameters, all that's left is to apply it:

The pattern is two-sided, both buy and sell will work...

If you can not answer, do not write about bullshit, bullshit - deals lame and when there is no understanding, only idiots can say that "will always work out".


what exactly in the calculations ? did some formalisation of the rails, ran it on the history i got the wait time too long for 161 one test on the eurobucks diaries

what are your thoughts?

You write that 161.8% is a lot according to your calculations.

show me the calculations.