FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1298

I'm having a second moose on the eu.)
I don't trade on audi!

The dollar looks very 'tired'. I would even say "dead tired". It will probably fart one more time when it dies.

If not this week, then next week we can expect currency pairs to move backwards.

The South African currency looks the best. Fans of this exotic may start buying it even from here.

Meanwhile, the euro is drawing a third low...
Meanwhile, the eu is drawing a third low...

Only this Eurodollar slide is not supported by anything. Just a drawing in the sand.

I confess - I am selling for now.


Only this Eurodollar slide is not supported by anything. Just a drawing in the sand.

I confess - I am selling for now.

The trend is down, no doubt about it.

chiff up, also undeniable.

and they've taken their near-term debt.

and the harrier took it all out on friday.

but, correction is a good word...


the trend is down, undoubtedly

chiff up, also undeniable.

♪ and they took their near debts ♪

and the harrier took it all out on friday.

but correction is a good word...

It is safe to say that liquidity providers are now dominated by sales, it is undoubtedly a downward trend. But overnight, sales are down 1-1.5%
Alexey Busygin:
It's safe to say that liquidity providers are now dominated by selling, this is undoubtedly a downward trend. But overnight, sales are down 1-1.5%

judging by the main chif debt (1300p movement from current), the eu still has a long way to go down (closest at 420p down) ...


judging by the main chif debt, the eu still has a long way to go down...

There is now a 200 pips margin, but it is possible that this margin could still pick up during the fall.
Alexey Busygin:
There is now a 200 point margin, but it is possible that this margin could still increase during the fall.
If it goes up now, it will be beautiful...
If it goes up, it will be beautiful...
For it to go up, the conditions have to be created. And who will create them?