Customer service in the MQL

Guys, there was a conflict between the MQL, it all started because of adding decomp. code in the Code Base, I was given a ban for this code okay I think. I started to talk to the admins and asked why they were so cruel. I tell them if I had insulted someone, then put a ban for 1 year, but for the code for a month? Let me out then with a ban on the next. day, but began to put sticks in the wheels, stopped checking my work (check indkators and check the articles) is something else, to my questions that I ask the admins why such a relation to me, they "loudly mooch. Who has had such a thing? There is a doc. can make a screenshot. My account is . I am shocked by this!
Aleksandr Lyopa:
Guys, there was a conflict between MQLs, it all started because of adding decomp. code to the Code Base, I was given a ban for this code ...
For decompiling after just one day - out? You got off easy...
I think, OK, I wrote that I add other people's indicators to the code base, but why do I have to go so low? It's their job to check indicators and stuff!
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
What's your point?
Vladimir Gribachev:

Yeah, that's a real shocker. You tried to pass off someone else's code as your own, and then the MQL Admins swooped in and started pushing you around like crazy. Of course, it's a shame!

I pointed out that it was someone else's code, but for decompiled, I copied it as my own code and that has nothing to do with it. Why do you keep stopping me in the middle?
Aleksandr Lyopa:
I said it was someone else's code, but for decomp. I said it was mine, but what does that even have to do with it? Why do I keep getting stonewalled?
What kind of sticks are you getting? The question is: why do you think it's a bad idea to play in MQL? Do your work in MQL normal, remember, this is our home, and houses behave normally, and no one will not touch you, press you, pick on you if you are a decent programmer and forum dweller. So think about how you are going to live your life.
Look, I used to add other people's turkeys and stuff until this debacle happened. I used to add my own apps to the marketplace, I communicated normally without swearing, but I had to get banned.
I was living well, and now they say we won't take anything from you and that's it
Aleksandr Lyopa:
Listen, I've been adding other people's turkeys and stuff ....
Thanks, lifted my spirits. Honestly funny :)
about "smarter than everyone else", what did I do that was so smart? )))) I was getting a rating for the funds is that supposed to be clever?)