Developed a library of API functions for MetaTrader 4 - page 3

Is there a time limit on the interval between transactions? For example, if I want to place a series of orders, what should be the guaranteed interval between requests? What is the probability of losing a request in a series?
The strange thing is that I did not find any information that the placing of order in the terminal may be 1-2 minutes after it has been generated in the program, depending on how often the quotes come. In general, please, point out a place where it is stated in your documentation that an order placing dependence on rate of quote arrival.

You understand that it is impossible to describe everything in your documentation. Show me a place in Word's documentation where it says that average execution time of some particular operation is dependent on the speed of quotes... This is nonsense!
And when you place orders manually in user terminal, are there no delays of 1-2 minutes?
If you work through Expert Advisors, ANY ACTION is bound to ticks and depends on the quote's arrival.
This is a peculiarity of MT4 terminal and nothing can be done about it.

The programmer is able to write such a library himself, and my IMHO, to take money from novice traders-programmers for the TOOL is not correct, the money should be taken for the PRODUCT.

Once again, I repeat: you can't imagine the average user writing programs with function calls from an external library. If you are able to write such tools yourself, then there is no point in discussing pricing. Everyone has their own idea of what they've invested and how much money they've invested.
I'm offering you a fine-tuned product, not a piece of code written with my left foot while I was sleepless. What you offer is your own business. Good luck!
Is there a time limit on the interval between transactions? For example, if I want to place a series of orders, what should be the guaranteed interval between requests? What is the probability of losing a request in a series?

According to the settings of MT4 Quotes Server - you cannot perform operations more than once every 10 seconds. The server limits the frequency of different requests to prevent possible hacker DOS-attacks. This information was once already raised on this forum.
In my library, the necessary delay and server's response check are already implemented in the functions, so you don't need to organize it specially. A series of orders can be placed by successive calls of the library's functions
int NewPos(char *kotx, int oper, int lot, double price, double sl, double tp);
checking the return code each time. This can also be done in a loop. Good luck!
If you are able to write such tools yourself, then there is no point in discussing pricing.

What I discuss is up to me, without breaking the rules of this esteemed forum, which, by the way, forbids advertising. My position in this matter, to warn potential buyers from the error and since your message appeared in this forum, to advise you kindly (taking more time) to prepare documentation and your promotional materials, so as not to mislead people (just as you misled me with loud headlines), indicating the KEY differences of your "product" from the full-fledged API.
Если Вы в состоянии писать такие инструменты сами, тогда нет смысла обсуждать ценовую политику.

It is up to me to decide what to discuss, without violating the rules of this esteemed forum, which, by the way, prohibit advertising. My position in this matter, to warn potential buyers from the error and since your message appeared in this forum, to advise you kindly (spending more time) to design documentation and your promotional materials, so as not to mislead people (just as you misled me with loud headlines), indicating the KEY differences of your "product" from the full-fledged API.

I don't understand what is so off-putting to you? That you can't present a similar development with documentation, examples, etc? Of course, it needs a lot of work, lots of debugging, catching all bugs and critical situations... You need to create a website and put it on the Internet. Much easier - without any reason - I have answered all your questions - to slander the work of others. It doesn't take much time and effort.
I think every interested trader can download my library and its examples and see how it works in all functions. I also do not make any secrets about the algorithm. I may not reveal it at all - I have the right to do so. So I do not see the point in your philosophizing about how and in what form to present my software products. Good luck!
I want to support min.

Actually, I am personally against all sales in general. But that's my personal philosophy.
And these days, the dollar still rules the roost.
Everyone has the right to offer their goods on the market.
Whether it's a good or bad product, over time, is simply determined by demand.
The last point made by min here on the forum is quite valid.
The product is shown with its face. As it is. The price has been determined.
Don't like it, don't buy it. Very simple. It's not like anyone's forcing you to.

And there's no need to besmirch someone else's work.
It's just satisfying your ambitions at the expense of the developer's nerves.
The product is shown face on. As is. The price is determined. <br / translate="no"> If you don't like it, don't buy it. Very simple. No one makes you do it.

And you should not slander someone else's work.
It is just to satisfy your ambitions at the expense of the developer's nerves.

Thank you for your support. Sorry for being too harsh - I am sick of it!
Good luck!
I want to support min.Actually, personally, I am against all sales in general. But that is my personal philosophy. In this day and age, the dollar still rules the roost.Everyone has the right to offer their goods on the market.Whether they are good or bad is determined over time simply by demand.
The last point made here on the forum is fair enough. As it is. The price is determined. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Very simple. You should not slander someone else's work, it just satisfies your ambitions at the expense of the developer's nerves.

I do not know why you think that your personal philosophy has any relevance to the topic at hand.

And although no one abolished the dollar, it does not mean that all means to earn it are good. Labour is not being "laughed at", what is criticised is not a very honest presentation of information and overpricing. The product is not shown face to face. It is shown, not as it is.

The commands for processing the orders will be executed only at the moment when the quote arrives for the pair to which the Expert Advisor is attached. In other words, the pressing of the BUY button in your program does not mean that the order has been sent to the server, it is just "waiting on the disk" for the Quote of the pair where the Expert Advisor is installed. The EA will look for the file command and if it finds it, it will send an order to the server, and by the way, it will search for it on every tick. The result of placing an order or canceling the order may, respectively, only be received with the arrival of the next quote. This does not allow us to organize a clear logic for some TS. I hope you understand this.

I do not judge what you personally satisfy, also I do not understand what nerves and ambitions have to do with it.
I advise you never to write about what you seem to be unable or unwilling to understand.

All the best.
IMHO, quite a worthy effort. If you don't like it, write it yourself.
If you want the request to be sent to the server immediately, you need an endless loop of scripts, which, for example, will handle incoming commands once per second.