Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 12

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Don't you want to check to see if you're wrong or not? State the rules of the game. Or would you rather be in a fantasy?

The author has laid out the rule -

It is very easy to calculate winnings or losses here, because if we each bet a dollar on different numbers, then if after rolling the die at least one of the numbers comes up under our bet, the dealer will return $6, which corresponds to a win of $6 - n, where n is the number of numbers on which $1 was bet. If none of the numbers under the bet comes up after rolling the die, then the dealer will take all the money we bet.


then the dealer will give us back $6, which equals $6 in winnings.

and if we're right.

then the dealer will give us back $6, which equals $5 in winnings.


The author has laid out the rule -

It is very easy to calculate winnings or losses, because if we each bet a dollar on different numbers, then if after rolling the die at least one of the numbers comes up under our bet, the dealer will return $6, which corresponds to a win of $6 - n, where n is the number of numbers on which the bet was $1. If none of the numbers under the bet comes up after rolling the die, then the dealer will take all the money we bet.


then the dealer will give us back $6, which equals $6 in winnings.

and if we're right.

thedealer will give us back $6, which equals a win of $5.

If you understand, then state the rules of the game. I don't see your understanding yet either.
Also meditate on your phrase -"the dealer will give us back $6, which corresponds to a win of $6 - n, where n is the number of numbers on which $1 was bet"

Shit, overnight you corrected the content of the first post of the thread???

Mr Reshetov?


Shit, overnight you corrected the content of the first post of the thread???

Mr Reshetov?

So what, some indicators are also overdrawn but this does not prevent you from making a profit with them).
So what, some indicators are also overdrawn but this does not prevent you from making a profit with them).
Like what?
The abundance of nonsense is staggering!

Mr. Reshetov changed the wording of his brilliant theorem yesterday!

The brief gist of the theorem is that if the arithmetic mean of a series of unequal numbers is equal to some number, then it is not certain that the arithmetic mean of a chunk of that series will be equal to the same number.

Well, what can I say - genius....

Dmitry Fedoseev:
If you understand, then state the rules of the game. So far your understanding hasn't been observed either.

There is a square cube with dots drawn on it, but for the sake of simplicity we will assume that there are numbers drawn on it, because dots need to be counted, and that is difficult. Numbers are hard, though. Let's skip the numbers.

We have a six-sided cube.

You are on any of the sides, or on multiple sides at the same time (not important) glued money - as much as you want.

When you throw the cube, it rolls, and then stops, and the Almighty, looking down from heaven on the cube, peels off the top side of the money, counts it, multiplies it by six - and gives it to you. That is, you get back your money, which was at the top of the cube + profit in the size of 5 same money on top. But, in addition, the Almighty takes all the money from the die that wasn't on the top side back to his pocket after each roll.

A player is considered the winner when he earns the dough.


Probability theory says that it is most likely that a player will be left holding his own.

Cheaters say that a player can earn consistently.


Cheaters state that a player can earn steadily.

What do you mean by 'steadily'?