F - page 5

Got it. Thanks. I'll just figure out the best way to do it...
No, it won't. The balance has collapsed to the means, which are always wooing somewhere under there... When it became futile to weather the losses, I had to close. Had I closed earlier with the coup, things would have been different, and the valuations would have been different. In the meantime, the stake
No, it won't. The balance has collapsed to the funds, which have always been there underfoot somewhere... When it became futile to weather the losses, I had to close. Had I closed earlier with the coup, things would have been different, and the valuations would have been different. In the meantime, it's a stake.
If Grandma had a **ck, she'd be Grandpa.
If Grandma had a **ck, she'd be Grandpa.
Very thoughtful.... philosopher... or analyst...
If Grandma had a **ck, she'd be Grandpa.
What was that bulge all about? Showing off? Well... I did...
What was that bulge all about? Showing off? Well... showed...
It means that any evaluation is by the end result. Only reproducible experiments are of scientific value. No "ifs" and "whys" are taken into account. This is what the popular saying means.
This means that any evaluation is by the end result. Only reproducible experiments are of scientific value. No "Ifs" or "Whys" are taken into account. This is what the popular saying means.

I see (and in this case know) much more than you do. I have the right to say what I see and think.

And you can't even imagine how much more right I have than you to tell Oleg what I see and think.

I see (and in this case know) much more than you do. I have the right to say what I see and think.
How can you say "I know more than you do!" to a stranger? - it's at least indecent and at most unscientific, as knowing who knows more than what is subjective. I know a lot more about the "tractor" than you might think.
How can you say "I know more than you!" to a stranger? - It's at least unseemly, and at most unscientific, because knowing who knows more than what is subjective. I know a lot more about the "tractor" than you might think.
Are you sure? I personally know him by a few thousand dollars... I have the right to speak out. No?