Need help! Can't solve the problem, I'm hitting hardware limitations - page 21

Maybe milliseconds? On Windows-based OS in microseconds, the measurement just can't be done...

Sorry, just because you don't know how doesn't mean it's not possible:

The code Yurich uses, even in the terminal:

#import "kernel32.dll"
bool QueryPerformanceCounter(ulong &ticks);
bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(ulong &freq);
void OnStart()
   ulong t1, t2, st;
      st=(ulong)1 e9/st;
      Print("Tик таймера=",st," нс. // Sleep(20) = ",(t2-t1)*st," нс.");
   }else Print("Таймер высокого разрешения не поддерживается");

Acquiring high-resolution time stamps (Windows)
Acquiring high-resolution time stamps (Windows)
QPC is independent of and isn't synchronized to any external time reference. To retrieve time stamps that can be synchronized to an external time reference, such as, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for use in high-resolution time-of-day measurements, use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime. Time stamps and time-interval measurements are an...

I'm not understating the abilities and capabilities of the terminal, but

when a couple of years ago I needed to extract data from a 1.21Gb file, with 21,345,728(!) lines,

Try again. In two years, the MQL4 (if done in it) language has been completely rewritten and the file operation completely rewritten.

The search time was 35-45 MICROSECUNDS according to the method I mentioned ,
Which method exactly?
Try again. In two years the MQL4 language (if it was done on it) has been completely rewritten and the file work has been completely rewritten.

Which method exactly?

The method of preparing the data.

In my case, it looked like this:


The method of preparing the data.

In my case, it looked like this:

In your case you just take the MT5 x64 and read everything into memory in one piece. Then a quick one-pass scan to the right edges to plot the offsets.

In 2014, a file of some gig is not going to scare anyone.


In your case just take MT5 x64 and read everything into memory in one piece. Then a quick one-pass scan to the right edges to plot the offsets.

In 2014 a file of a gig won't scare anyone.

Thanks, but I don't have a problem, komposter has a problem.

I told you how I solved it before (only once, no more needed).

P/S I can't even find my source code in the archive to give it to komposter

as an example.


Sorry, just because you don't know how doesn't mean it's not possible:

The code Yurich uses, even in the terminal:

Thanks, really didn't know. I'll have a look at that clock the other day.